Salem Endocrinology - Patient Inquiry Form

Thank you for your interest in our brand new Salem Endocrinology group. Please note that all patients will need to have a new referral sent to our practice even if you were previously established with one of our providers at a different practice. New and prospective patients, please fill out the form below. We look forward to serving you and appreciate your interest in our services.

Example: 971-612-6100


Please indicate what you are inquiring about.

If your subject is not listed above, please list below.

Previous Endocrinology Provider*

To help us with preparing for your care and request records ahead of time, please let us know if you were previously established with an endocrinologist.

Caret IconCaret symbol

Please indicate the name of your insurance Examples: Pacific Source, United Health Care (UHC), Providence, Atrio, PEBB

Please list any questions or information you would like to share with our team.

How did you find us?*

If how you found us is not listed above, please list below.

Thank you for inquiring about us

Please contact your provider and ask for a referral and then return to this form.