Ag Communications Poster Printing Submission

We have a new Printer! Please be sure you submit your posters in both PowerPoint (.pptx) and PDF (.pdf) formats.

Ag. Communications require using Microsoft PowerPoint to create posters for the large format printer in C.H. Moore. For best results, start with one of the 36″x48″ templates which can be downloaded from our website. Once you submit your poster be sure to allow the upload to complete; you can see its status by the upload bar located above this text. Once the poster has been uploaded you will receive an email confirmation and the Ag. Comm. team will receive an email that your poster is waiting to be printed. Once your poster has been printed, you will receive another email informing you that it's ready for pickup. If you have any issues, concerns or needs please contact Mr. Kevin Lupo ( The Ag. Comm. staff needs a minimum of five (5) business days’ notice to produce a poster. Posters that do not make use of the required templates must be pre-approved by a department chair, Ag. Research administration or a unit head. All poster-printing requests should be initiated or approved by a member of the CAES faculty or staff. (Content development, editing and proofreading are the responsibility of authors).