Fiscal Year 2024-25 Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant Application Cover Sheet

Application Guide and Checklist

Refer to the Grant Application Guide and Checklist to ensure all required and supplemental documents are ready prior to completing this form.

Go to the grants website for application materials:

Part A. Application Information

All fields are required.

Caltrans District*

Select the one of the twelve Caltrans districts based on the primary applicant's address and county location. Refer to Appendix C to determine the appropriate district.

Grant Catgory*

Only Select One Grant Category.

Sustainable Communities MPO Primary Applicants*

Is the primary applicant an MPO? MPOs applying for Sustainable Communities Competitive and Technical Grants must have a sub-applicant(s).

Application Submittal Type*

Only Select One Application Submittal Type

Re-Submittals, how many times including this one?*

Enter the Grant Fiscal Year and Project Title, if Caltrans has funded any prior planning phases or studies. If none, enter NA.

Part B. Project Information

All fields are required.

Applicants should thoughtfully develop the project title. Once a Caltrans grant agreement is executed, changes to the original grant project title are not allowed. Grantees may use an “Also Known As” (AKA), but both the AKA and the original title must be included in the final product.

If more than one city, list them all in alphabetic order.

If more than one county, list them all in alphabetic order.

Insert Application Narrative, 1. Project Description. 3-5 sentences max.

Briefly summarize project in a clear and concise manner, including why the project is necessary, major deliverables, parties involved, and any connections to relevant local, regional, and/or State planning efforts.

Select the Project Type that best represents the focus of the proposed project. See Grant Application Guide for examples. Two max. may be selected. If other, enter it below.

If your Project Type is not listed above, enter it below.

Funding Information

All fields are required.

Use the Match Calculator to complete this section, including the Grant Requested, Local Match, and Total Project Cost. Match Calculator (link will download as MS Excel spreadsheet)

Minimum Local Match or Overmatch?*

Is the applicant proposing to meet the minimum local match requirement or an over-match?

(MPOs – Federal Toll Credits, PL, and FTA 5303 cannot be used to match Sustainable Communities Competitive or Adaptation Planning grants) If other, please enter the specific fund source below.

Caret IconCaret symbol

Enter the specific fund source below.

Enter the grant amount requested.

Enter the local cash match portion. If not applicable, enter NA.

Enter the third-party in-kind match portion. If not applicable, enter NA.

Enter the total local match.

Enter the local match percentage.

Enter the Total Project Cost (Total Local Match + Grant Requested).

Part C. Applicant Information

All fields are required.

Use this format (123) 456-7891

If there are more than 3 sub-applicants, attach additional pages in the application package PDF file upload below.

Caret IconCaret symbol

Part D. Housing Element Compliance

This section is only for Sustainable Communities Competitive and Sustainable Communities Competitive Technical.

Sustainable Communities city/county primary/sub-applicant?*

Does this Sustainable Communities application includes a city/county primary or sub-applicant? If so, Housing Element and Annual Progress Report compliance is required.

Does the City/County primary or sub-applicant have a compliant Housing Element?*

City and county primary or sub-applicants must have a compliant Housing Element to receive Sustainable Communities grants. If not in compliance at time of application submittal, compliance will be a condition of award, if selected for grant funding.

If the City/County Housing Element out of compliance, use this field to explain the current status.

Annual Progress Report Compliance*

Has the City/County submitted Annual Progress Report to the California Department of Housing and Community Development for calendar years 2020 and 2021? If not in compliance at time of application submittal, compliance will be a condition of award, if selected for grant funding.

Part E. Other Funding Programs

Applicants may leverage other program funds for this planning grant, as long as the activities are eligible.

Applying for OPR Adaptation Planning Grants?*

Is the Climate Adaptation Planning grant applicant also applying for the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) Climate Adaptation Planning Grant Program? Applicants should not submit the same project application to both funding programs. However, applicants may propose to leverage funds from one funding program to another. For instance, an applicant with a large project may propose to fund one component with Caltrans funds, and another with OPR funds. Applicants may also propose two entirely different projects to each funding program.

If yes to above, identify the differences between each proposal, and briefly summarize the leverage opportunity if awarded both Caltrans and OPR funding.

Applying for other funding programs?*

Is the applicant applying for any other funding programs to complete this project?

If Yes to above, list the other funding programs below.

Part F. Legislative Information

Use the following link to determine the appropriate legislative members in the Project area.

Search by address:

In district order, list State Senator Name(s) and District(s) in the Project Area in this format: Angelique V. Ashby 8, Nancy Skinner 9, etc.

In district order, list State Assembly Member Name(s) and District(s) in the Project Area in this format: Kevin McCarty 6, Stephanie Nguyen 10, etc.

Part G. Letters of Support

List the organizations that wrote Letters of Support for the Project and are included with the grant application (separated with a comma, if multiple). Letters should be addressed to the applicant.

If none, enter Not Applicable

Application Package Upload

Upload the application package in a single PDF document, not exceeding 25 MB.

Keep file names brief, use abbreviations and underscores. Include the District #, Grant Category, Agency Name, and Project Title, e.g., District 3 Sustainable Communities Competitive Technical Gold County Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Plan would be D3_SCCT_GC_EVCIP

Drag and drop files here or