DoIT Idea Form

Any initial idea, or concept, for a proposed project involving DoIT should be submitted via this form to the DoIT Project Management Office (PMO). Ideas submitted should have support from division leaders before submission.

This form begins the institutional project process with discovery. Upon receipt of this form, the DoIT PMO will assist in facilitating a discovery meeting with key stakeholders in the proposing division and DoIT to determine high-level goals and objectives. This may include more follow-up with research and information gathering.

Once research has been assembled and a clearer picture of the effort and its value has been created, the project idea will be taken to appropriate campus committees, such as Campus Systems Executive Committee (CSEC) or Data Management Committee (DMC) for feedback prior to the official project proposal is put into the project queue.

More information about the Institutional Project Initiation Process can be found here.

Project/Idea Information

If you do not know the answers to any questions, please leave fields blank and discussion can occur in the discovery meeting.

Choose a name that reflects the entirety of the project - what will the campus refer to this effort as?

The sponsor should be at the Director level or above who will be authorizing funding and resources to complete this effort.

Project Sponsor's email address.

Please indicate the division sponsoring this project.

What is the problem or opportunity this project is addressing?

What value is this bringing to the institution?

What resources, including staff, are necessary for this project from DoIT and other divisions? If you do not know, the DoIT PMO will assist in project discovery.

Is this a problem that has a strict timeline based on legal mandates or major issues?

Please note that timeframe will be dependent upon staffing, resources, and project prioritization. Completing the Procurement Cloud Review process or this form does not necessarily indicate project approval for the preferred timeframe.

If an estimated budget has been established, including who will provide the funding, please include it here.

If any discovery has been done, or research into certain products, please indicate those here.

Do you believe this project should be brought to any of the following committees? If you do not know, please leave this blank.

If you have documentation regarding this project, please upload files here or provide links to google docs above.

Drag and drop files here or

Submission Information

If you have discussed this project with others in your division or DoIT, please enter their email addresses here so they can be notified of this idea submission.

Submitter's email address.

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