In-Kind Donation Form

For hygiene & liability reasons, we cannot accept used mattresses, pillows, bedding, used car seats, clothes that are stained or ripped, or opened toiletries.

We do not accept toys that promote violence or any items with adult themes.

*Required areas marked with an asterisk


Firefly Children & Family Alliance does not distribute donor information. We ask for names and addresses for donor acknowledgement letters.

If you wish to remain anonymous, please check the box and you will not be recognized in public donor acknowledgements.

If Applicable


In-Kind Item Details

What category(ies) do the item(s) best fit? Please include quantity and value.

Donors are responsible for providing all estimated values (Refer to Goodwill Donated Goods Value Guide).

Please consult your tax professional regarding tax-deduction eligibility.

Do not forget to click below to receive a copy of your request.

This will be helpful if you need to see what you have submitted.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Fundraising Department at