2025 Sustained Performance Award

The Energy to Care Sustained Performance Award celebrates facilities accomplishing sustainability goals in their health care organizations to support healthy, equitable and resilient environments and communities maintained over time.


The Sustained Performance Award is given out once per year, recognizing facilities (acute care hospital or medical office building as defined by ENERGY STAR) who consistently demonstrate high performance.

Criteria to win this award include:

  • Facility MUST be tracking energy and water consumption, as well as Greenhouse Gas emissions in the Energy to Care Dashboard. Signature verification of data accuracy is required.
  • Facility must have an ENERGY STAR Score of 75 or above for three years consecutively (2022, 2023, & 2024) OR weather normalized SOURCE EUI equal to baseline (2021) or lower for 3 or more years (2022, 2023, & 2024).
  • Facility contact submitting the application must be an ASHE member.

The winning facilities will be recognized at the 2025 ASHE Health Care Facilities Innovation Conference, July 27-30, 2025 in Columbus, OH.

Submitting this form to ASHE verifies that 1) your facility would like to be considered for the Energy to Care Sustained Performance Award and 2) your energy, water and greenhouse gas data is up to date and accurate in the Energy to Care dashboard.

Complete this application in its entirety. Incomplete applications will not be considered. APPLICATIONS ARE DUE APRIL 1, 2025.

Winning facilities will be notified by May 1st, 2025.

For more information contact energytocare@aha.org.

All applications will be checked and verified through the review process including verification of dashboard information.

Sustainability Metrics

Data in this section should be obtained from your Energy to Care Dashboard Account.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The baseline year must be 2021 with a comparison year of 2024.

Accessing your Energy to Care Dashboard account, provide your ENERGY STAR score for Dec 2024.

By checking this box, you are verifying that your facility is tracking water usage on the Energy to Care Dashboard.

By checking the box, you are verifying that your facility is tracking greenhouse gas emissions in the Energy to Care Dashboard.

By checking this box, you have verified (by selecting "Y" for yes) that your facility data is accurate and current in the Energy to Care Dashboard under the Award Verification Tab.

Provide full name here, verifying accuracy of information provided in this application.

Provide the Email Address of the individual (if different than facility contact) that verified data accuracy.