Counter-Offer Off-Cycle Salary Increase Request
The university is committed to retaining its faculty through appropriate salary support as well as other resources. Ongoing assessment of salaries through the annual merit compensation process (AMCP), including analysis of equity and market issues, is critical to faculty retention and helping to forestall faculty seeking offers from other institutions in order to gain a salary adjustment.
This is your Internal College Contact or Administrator (i.e. Unit HR, Unit Faculty Affairs, Unit Fiscal, etc.)
Please contact your Unit Point of Contact with any questions regarding internal unit process
If multiple appointments, include faculty position only
OAA will provide 50% of the proposed salary increase up to $15K per year for 3 years in cash. OAA does not provide funding for annual merit (AMCP) increases or benefits. Please input $0 if no OAA funds are requested. Additional information is available in the Faculty Compensation Policy. This funding is contingent upon availability of central funds and is not guaranteed. (Note: OAA funding support only applies to Counter-Offers)
In general, such retention efforts should be reserved for faculty members who have a documented offer from a peer institution, though this is not required.
Upload Checklist:
When approval is given for immediate salary increase, the unit must cover the cost from its own funds
Salary increases associated with counteroffers will normally be effective at the beginning of the next appointment year
Describe why this is a peer institution and/or program in the field (attach comparison data to support):
Describe impacts to the unit if this faculty member is not retained:
Equity and market increases are normally provided at the beginning of an individual’s next appointment year and are funded out of regular raise money unless an exception has been granted by OAA.
Is this request the result of a Faculty Salary Equity Appeals Process?
Provide detailed explanation demonstrating an inequity and/or substantial deviation from market salary exists:
Describe need for exception to increase salary prior to the faculty member’s next appointment year:
Retroactive salary increases are not permitted
Salary adjustments are to be made at the beginning of each faculty member’s annual appointment year except in unusual circumstances.
Justification for proposed increase of >10%, including relevant performance, equity and/or market data:
Additional compensation is for temporary work clearly beyond the faculty member’s normal assignments. The amount needs to be appropriate to the allocation of time necessary to complete the extra assignment. Additional compensation may not exceed 20% of the base salary per fiscal year. Additional compensation that exceeds 20% of base salary is rare, must be justified and approval granted by OAA. The additional assignment is to be nonrecurring and clearly limited in time and scope.
Provide a brief description of duties assigned beyond the faculty member’s current regular assignments:
Percentage of base salary for the additional compensation:
Start Date - End Date
Not to exceed one business day per week
Describe formal plan for monitoring faculty time commitment and performance of regular duties
Provide a summary of market rates for such activity necessitating exceeding the cap of 20%
All other off-cycle increase requests that do not fall into one of the categories above
Including reason for not adjusting salary at the beginning of the faculty member’s appointment year
Or designated approver based on college procedures
Please contact Sarah Conley (