NAISE Joint Reappointment Application

If you would like to be reappointed for another two year term, please send us the following information. Note: Please have your CV, Letter of Recommendation and Insurance card ready. These are required for submission. Please email any questions about this form to

Are you a U.S. Citizen*

- Current CV - A copy of the front and back of your insurance card.

Drag and drop files here or

Did you participate in or host any NAISE workshops or seminars? This information will help us gage where NAISE is helping and benefiting our members as well as provide insight into areas that NAISE can focus on going forward. This information will be used for gathering data for our NAISE annual report.

Did you publish any papers or reports with collaborators from the partner institution (Northwestern or Argonne)? Can you please provide the URL or DOI?

Please explain how you are using your JA to build or enhance collaborations: List any proposals or pre-proposals you have submitted with collaborators from the other institute. Indicate if you have participated in these proposals using your JA or your primary affiliation, and if they have been awarded and are active. [Postdocs: If you’re renewing your JA to remain funded through a collaborative proposal, indicate the project and include both you’re your supervisor and collaborating PI from the other institution.]

Did you teach a course at Northwestern or guest lecture through your affiliation with NAISE?

Are you working or have you worked with any Northwestern undergraduate or graduate students on collaborative projects with the partner institution? If so, please list their names.

Please let us know any additional interactions and collaborations you've had with the partner institution over the term of your fellowship.

Do you have any suggestions for workshop topics? If so, please suggest below.

Do you have any suggestions for website improvement to help you find information more easily?

Are you interested in being the sponsor/mentor for a graduate student under the DOE SCGSR program?(