Internship Interest Form

Please complete this form if you plan to pursue either an Academic (for-credit) Internship or a Non-Credit Internship. Academic Internships are credit-bearing internships. Students earn academic credit for the hours spent on-site at their internship, as well as required weekly assignments supervised by an Internship Specialist. The first step for all students in the internship search process is completing this Internship Interest Form.

Pursuing an internship (for-credit or non-credit) is just one way a student may satisfy the Experiential Learning requirement. Please refer to the Forester Fundamental Curriculum webpage for a complete list of ways that students may fulfill the Experiential Learning requirement.

For more information on the process of securing an internship and receiving approval to complete an internship for credit, please visit: Academic Internship Program


Please Note: If you have an accommodation, please consider sharing this information with your Internship Specialist. They are available to provide additional support as you navigate the internship search process.

This question is completely voluntary and has no bearing on your application or admission to any program.

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Please enter your 6 digit student ID number. Do not include the first 0. Ex. 123456

Please list your email address, not your personal email.

This number will only be shared with Career Advancement Center staff as an alternative means of communication.

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Select all that apply from the dropdown menu

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(i.e. Business Innovation and Design; Cinema Studies; Graphic Design; Human Resource Management, etc.)

Select all that apply from the dropdown menu

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Have you completed your FFC Experiential Learning requirement?*

This includes courses with the EL tag, a for-credit internship, a completed non-credit experiential project, etc. Check your Advising Worksheet for more information.

Have you been accepted into the Health Professions Program (HPP)?*


If you have more than one Academic Advisor, please choose the one advisor for the department in which you plan to complete your internship.

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Have you discussed pursuing an Academic Internship with your Academic Advisor?*

You must discuss your plans to complete an Academic Internship with your Academic Advisor.


You will find the Internship Specialists and the list of majors they work with here.

Have you been in touch with a Career Advancement Center Internship Specialist prior to completing this form?*
Internship Specialist with whom you met:*


Are you an INTERNATIONAL STUDENT or a student on an F1 or J1 Visa?*


A qualified non-immigrant on an F-1 Visa, applying for permission to accept or continue employment, must contact Sandra Ortiz, DSO SEVIS Coordinator (x5202 or who will assist you with employment authorization in SEVIS or with USCIS.

NOTE: International students on an F-1 Visa must complete all internships for-credit and in their major only.


A qualified non-immigrant on a J-1 Visa, applying for permission to accept or continue employment, must contact Allie Olson, Director of the Global Engagement Office, (x5231 or who will assist you with employment authorization through ISEP.

NOTE: International students on a J-1 Visa must meet with Allie Olson to discuss program requirements.


Are you CURRENTLY on Academic Probation?*

Students are placed on academic probation at the end of the fall or spring term when their cumulative GPA falls below 2.0.

Students on academic probation are not eligible to receive academic credit for an internship. Students may complete an internship for credit once they are removed from academic probation.

Are you CURRENTLY on disciplinary probation?*

Typically, students on disciplinary probation are not allowed to earn credit for an internship while on probation.

Students that have displayed a pattern of behavior, or had at least one serious violation, should discuss their eligibility directly with the Dean of Students.


Do you plan to pursue your internship for credit or not for credit?*

Academic Internships are those completed for credit. Students earn credit for hours worked and by completing the accompanying Internship Moodle Course.

For more information on the Internship Moodle Course, visit our website here.

Students who are 1) not yet eligible to complete an internship for credit, 2) have already earned 3.0 total internship credits, or 3) do not need the credit toward their graduation requirements may choose to pursue a non-credit internship.

Students on an F-1 Visa must pursue all internships for credit.

Number of internship credits you plan to pursue*

Students may complete an internship for between 1 to 2 credits during the fall or spring semester and between 0.5 to 2 credits in the summer term.

SEMESTER in which you plan to intern*

There is a cost attached to completing an Academic (for-credit) Internship during the Summer Term. Financial Aid may apply and students must contact the Office of Financial Aid to determine their individual cost.

Please see the Summer Internships webpage for further details.

What will your class standing be in the semester in which you plan to intern?*

Juniors and Seniors are eligible to complete an internship for credit.

Sophomores are not eligible to complete an internship for credit without approval from the CAC. Contact your Internship Specialist to submit an appeal.

First-year students are not eligible to complete an internship for credit.

Students must pursue an opportunity linked to their major or minor.

STUDENTS on an F-1 or J-1 Visa MUST pursue an opportunity linked to their major.

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Have you already secured an internship for your intended semester of participation?*

Students are not expected to have secured an internship prior to completing this form.

Have you accepted this offer?*

Based upon your research, list 3-4 types of organizations that interest you in order of preference (i.e. Banking, Law, Advertising, Publishing, Health Care, Performing Arts, etc.)

Have you received academic credit for any prior internships?*

Students may complete up to 3.0 internship credits during their time at the College. Check this information on your unofficial transcript.

Check this information on your unofficial transcript.

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In The Loop is the College’s off-campus study program in Chicago. In The Loop is open to juniors and seniors who may participate in the program during either their fall or spring semester (or both!).

While participating in the program, students complete an Academic (for-credit) Internship for up to 2 credits (300 hours), in addition to academic courses, all while living in the heart of the South Loop of Chicago.

ACTIVATE: Summer Internship Program is an all-access Chicago summer internship program that puts you in the career driver’s seat. You’ll reside in downtown Chicago at the College’s Chicago Loop campus, receive cutting-edge career preparation and mentorship, and benefit from an Academic Internship at a Chicago internship location.

For more information, please contact Director of the Center for Chicago Programs, Jennie Larsen ( and/or visit the program's webpage.

Have you been accepted to the In The Loop or ACTIVATE program in the semester you selected above?*
Would you like to be provided with more information about the In The Loop and/or ACTIVATE programs?*


If you do not have a current resume, please use our Resume Library to get started. We encourage you to attend our next Resume Workshop, offered the first Wednesday of every month during the academic year.

Register on our Events Page in Handshake.

Drag and drop files here or


I understand it is College policy that all students planning to participate in an academic internship must be in good academic and disciplinary standing AND be expected to be good representatives for Lake Forest College while participating in their internship.

If I am currently registered with Accessibility Services, I authorize Accessibility Services to communicate my accommodation needs as they pertain to my success in off campus programs.

By submitting this form, I agree that I understand the above policies as well as those stated on the Career Advancement Center (CAC) webpages, and allow the CAC advisors to obtain relevant information from campus offices and departments.

Before you hit SUBMIT

Upon completion of this form, you will receive an email about your next steps in the Internship search timeline.

You will be assigned an Internship Specialist who will assist you in your internship search as well as help you craft your resume and cover letters and prepare for interviews.

You may schedule an appointment with your Internship Specialist via Handshake: