Appeal of Academic
Suspension or Dismissal
First-time, first-year undergraduate students are suspended from the University after their first term of enrollment if their semester grade point average is below 1.0. Individuals are suspended from the university for one full semester (Fall or Spring). To re-enroll for courses offered through any WSU campus students must apply for reinstatement. Suspended individuals may not seek status as a non-degree seeking student. Suspended individuals may enroll in summer session.
Appeal of Academic Suspension
Students may appeal an Academic Suspension in cases where there are compelling and documented circumstances. If the appeal is approved, the student may return to the university without sitting out a semester upon reinstatement. A SECOND APPEAL WILL NOT BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION.
Undergraduate students are dismissed from the University after the third semester (excluding winter and summer session) in which the cumulative grade point average is below 2.0. (The three semesters do not have to be consecutive for the dismissal policy to apply.) Individuals who are dismissed from the university must wait a minimum of two full semesters (fall/spring, spring/fall) to re-enroll for courses offered through any WSU campus. To re-enroll for courses offered through any WSU campus students must apply for reinstatement and WSU Admissions. Dismissed individuals may not seek status as a 'non-degree seeking student.' Dismissed students may enroll in summer session.
Appeal of Academic Dismissal
Students may appeal a dismissal in cases where there are compelling and documented circumstances. If the appeal is approved, the student may return to the university without sitting out two full semesters upon reinstatement. Appeals are considered where the student has otherwise demonstrated an ability to succeed at the university and the compelling circumstances that led to the poor academic performance have been resolved. A SECOND APPEAL WILL NOT BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION.