Prekindergarten Assessment
Student progress monitoring is a very important part of the teaching cycle and is considered a best practice with all age groups. Progress monitoring enables a teacher to effectively adapt the daily classroom instruction to meet the needs of their students.
In accordance with 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §102.1003(c), school systems providing high-quality, full-day prekindergarten (pre-k) for 4-year-olds must collect data on student progress at the beginning, middle, and end of year in health and wellness, emergent literacy language and communication, emergent literacy reading, emergent literacy writing and mathematics using a commissioner-approved progress monitoring instrument.
The Commissioner's List provides extensive details for each approved data collection tool. This list can be accessed through the Educator Resources page on the TEA website, as well as the Data Tool Selection Guide page.
School systems must submit beginning and end of year data annually to TEA's Early Childhood Data System (ECDS). Raw data for MOY will not be collected in the 2024-25 school year.
The instrument administration windows are determined locally. It is recommended that the BOY instruments be administered within the first 60 days of school so that the resulting data can be used for instructional purposes. School systems should ensure they have systems in place to collect and report student progress monitoring data for students who may have missed the administration or enrolled after the designated window. This data is crucial for the accuracy of Texas Public Education Information Resource (TPEIR) reporting.
As part of the required family engagement plan, school systems are encouraged to provide families with progress monitoring updates that address all five required domains at least three times a year. (19 TAC §102.1003(h)(2)(D)(i))
What are the differences in progress monitoring requirements for 3-year-old vs 4-year-old students?
In mixed classrooms with both 3- and 4-year-olds, school systems should use developmentally appropriate progress monitoring for 3-year-old students. Monitoring can be adjusted for 3-year-olds at the school system’s discretion. Monitoring may not be adjusted for 4-year-old students.
In stand-alone pre-k 3-year-old classrooms, specific progress monitoring is not required for students served. However, if a school system conducts student progress monitoring with its eligible three-year-old students using an appropriate tool from the Commissioner’s list, the BOY and EOY data should be submitted to TEA through ECDS annually.
For reporting and data related questions, please go back to the "Topic Area" question and select "Early Childhood Data System and/or PEIMS."