2020 At-Large City of Detroit Citizen's Budget Survey

Presented by Council President Brenda Jones and Council Member Janee ' Ayers The Detroit City Council will begin reviewing the budget in March 2020. We want to have your priorities submitted to the Administration prior to the finalization of the budget. Please complete this survey by January 17, 2020.

What City Council district do you live in?

What service category is your priority?

(Rank 1-5, 1 = highest)

a. Parks and Recreation
b. Department of Transportation
c. Housing, buildings and safety, library, blight
d. Public Health and Safety
e. Water and Sewerage
f. Public Works and Parking

What police department service is your priority?

(Rank 1-5, 1 = highest)

a. Enforcement of Laws
b. Criminal Investigation
c. Community Policing
d. Crime Prevention
e. 911 Call Center

If the Detroit Police Department hired another office and assigned that officer to your neighborhood, which of the following items are the most and least important for a new police officer assigned to your neighborhood?

(Rank 1-5, 1 = highest)

a. Working with local kids to prevent gangs/youth
b. Patrolling on foot in your local neighborhood
c. Working with local residents to prevent crime
d. Patrolling police cars in your local neigh.
e. Patrolling near the schools in your neighborhoo

What Fire Department service is your priority?

(Rank 1-5, 1 = highest)

a. Fire Suppression
b. EMS
c. Fire Investigation
d. Arson Investigation
e. Fire Dispatch

What Department of Public Works service is your priority?

(Rank 1-5, 1 = highest)

a. Waste Collection and Disposal
b. Street Resurfacing
c. Snow Removal
d. Street Cleaning
e. Street signs, markings, and signals

What General Services Department service is your priority?

(Rank 1-5, 1 highest)

a. Neighborhood Parks
b. Recreation Centers
c. Youth after school/summer programs
d. Programs for Seniors
e. Golf course, marina, and cemetery management

What Health Service is your priority?

(Rank 1-5, 1 = highest)

a. Maternal-child health
b. Immunizations, lead, vision, and hearing testin
c. HIV/AIDS program & STD clinic
d. Promotion of health nutrition
e. Food & Environmental Health and Safety

Please tell us whether you feel the city of Detroit is doing an excellent, good, fair, or poor job in each of the following areas:

(Excellent, Good, Not Sure, Fair, Poor)

a. Trash collection & recycling services
b. Enforcing the city’s noise laws
c. In providing emergency 911 services
d. In operating efficiently
e. Keeping city streets and alleys clean
f. Street lighting
g. Street and sidewalks repairs and maintenance
h. Library programs
i. Recreation programs for tots
j. Recreation programs for youth
l. Recreation sponsored special events (Halloween, egg drops, movie nights, etc.)
l. Recreation sponsored special events
m. Providing funding for the arts
n. Protecting the environment
o. Accessibility of City buildings
p. Appearance of City buildings
q. Property maintenance code enforcement
r. Preserving historic buildings
s. Landscaping and condition of athletic fields and playgrounds
t. In enforcing laws that keep public spaces clean and safe for everyone
u. Online bill payment
v. Street sign maintenance
w. Recreation facilities (Community centers, recreation centers)
x. Planning (streetscapes, neighborhood projects)
y. Economic development (business outreach, local business promotion)
z. City’s cable channel programming
aa. City’s website