Minnesota Department of Education EANS Service Provider Pre-Registration

Two-Step Process

The Minnesota Department of Education is using ClassWallet for non-public schools to manage and make payments using their EANS funds.

In order to receive payment for services rendered, you will need to complete the following steps:

STEP 1 Application Form - Complete this pre-registration form, including uploading your credentials.

STEP 2 Setup ClassWallet Account - After your pre-registration is approved, you will receive an email with a link to the ClassWallet website and the required next steps.

Follow the instructions in that email to set up your ClassWallet account. *All service providers will be required to create an account on the ClassWallet platform in order to receive payments. Your registration will NOT be deemed complete until you create your ClassWallet account and verify your bank account.

Help and Tips

For help entering your information and/or credentials through ClassWallet, or if you have been approved but have not received the "Step 2" approval email, please contact help@classwallet.com or 877-969-5536.

QUESTIONS about EANS? Please contact The Minnesota Department of Education at: anita.tayson@state.mn.us

Be sure to add to your safe sender list "info@classwallet.com" and automation@app.smartsheet.com.

ARP EANS II Applicable Service Provider Types

Sanitation Supplies:

In accordance with the EANS law, EANS funds may be used to purchase sanitization, disinfectant, and cleaning supplies for the school facilities.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

In accordance with the EANS law, EANS funds may be used to purchase personal protective equipment (PPE) for adults and students to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

Ventilation System Improvements:

In accordance with the EANS law, EANS funds may be used to u pgrade ventilation systems to help limit the spread of COVID-19. In accordance with the EANS law, EANS funds may be used to purchase windows to improve the air quality.

Physical barriers:

In accordance with the EANS law, EANS funds may be used to purchase physical barriers to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

Other CDC Recommended Supplies:

In accordance with the EANS law, EANS funds may be used to purchase items that the CDC deems necessary to help stop the spread of COVID-19. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/communication/guidance-list.html?Sort=Date%3A%3Adesc&Audience=General%20Public%20%3E%20Educators%20%26%20School%20Administrators

COVID Testing:

In accordance with the EANS law, EANS funds may be used to purchase COVID-19 testing.

Education technology:

In accordance with the EANS law, EANS funds may be used to purchase education technology (including hardware, software, connectivity, assistive technology, or adaptive equipment).

Site / Space Leases:

In accordance with the EANS law, EANS funds may be used to lease sites in order to assist with social distancing.


In accordance with the EANS law, EANS funds may be used for reasonable transportation costs to assist with social distancing.

Training/Professional Develop re: COVID related:

In accordance with the EANS law, EANS funds may be used for training and professional development for staff on sanitization, the use of PPE, and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases.

Instructional Plan Redevelopment:

In accordance with the EANS law, EANS funds may be used for redeveloping instructional plans for remote or hybrid learning or to address learning loss.

Education/Support Services:

In accordance with the EANS law, EANS funds may be used for initiating and maintaining education and support services or assistance for remote or hybrid learning or to address learning loss.

EANS III Applicable Service Provider Types

Mental health services

Professional development

Research test/assessment data

Counseling for K-6 grades

Education/Support Services

Partnership with colleges

Initiating/maintaining education and support services/assistance to address learning recovery

Complete the required information:

Caret IconCaret symbol

This is how your business/self will be listed on ClassWallet. Put your name here if you are an individual/sole proprietor or single-member LLC.

This is the person making the request

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Download the W-9 found here: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw9.pdf and upload the completed document in the field below.

Drag and drop files here or


Please keep in mind that ClassWallet charges a 2.5% transaction processing fee for payments made to service providers.