Field Study 195 Internship Application

The UCI Police Department offers interns an array of opportunities that complement academic studies, enhance career growth, and foster personal development. Interns will work alongside professionals who are dedicated to making a difference at UCI. Intern applicants must be a full-time UCI student and possess a driver's license.

General Information


Full-Time UCI Student?*
Do you have a driver's license?*


Field Study Information

Applying For:*

Applying for which quarter year?

Location Interest*

We have internship positions available at our station on the UCI campus and our station at the UCI Medical Center, in the city of Orange. Please mark which locations you would be available to complete your internship hours.

Acquainted with police personnel?
Criminal Offense*

Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense?

If yes, please write a brief summary

Please add a summary of why you wish to intern with the UCI Police Department.

Upload your resume in PDF format

Drag and drop files here or

Notice of Agreement

By clicking SUBMIT, I hereby certify that all statements made in this application are true and complete, and I understand that any misstatement of material facts will subject me to disqualification or dismissal.

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