Grant Intent Form

Thank you for your interest in pursuing grant funding on behalf Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS)! The grant intent form must be completed by an MPS staff member and approved by MPS leadership prior to starting and submitting a grant application. If you have any questions, please contact

Please provide your first and last name.

Please provide your district email address.

I am submitting on behalf of a:

**For any grant applications $4,999 or less, select School-based grants.

Please provide the school or department that you are representing. (Departments begin with 'Dept. of' in the dropdown list.)

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

Please provide the name of the funding organization that is accepting grant applications.

Please provide the grant program name (as solicited through the funding organization).

Provide the date in which the application is due to the funder.

Please provide the dollar amount you anticipate requesting, or the value of the resources being requested through this application ($XX,XXX).

Indicate the percentage the district must match any awarded grant funds with other dollars or resources.


Describe the project in one paragraph including overall activities, anticipated outcomes, location(s), number and type of participants involved, and alignment with district or school initiatives.

Provide 2-3 keywords describing the focus of your project.

If awarded, indicate the time frame for spending the grant dollars.

Please provide a link to the grant application, if applicable.