2023 HD Expo Photography Approval Form

Show Management is respectful of the time and resources utilized by each exhibitor in the research and development of new and exciting products for the marketplace. In an effort to support the U.S. law of "Commercial Theft of Trade Secrets" as outlined in the Economic Espionage Act of 1996, we have established and will enforce to the best of our ability a "No Unauthorized Photography Policy."

The details of the policy include, but are not limited to:

- Exhibitors must authorize all photographs of their booth.

- No cameras of any kind are allowed on the show floor or in conference sessions without the written consent of Show Management.

- No photography is allowed within the exhibit hall unless provided by the HD Expo official photographer or a pre-approved photographer.

- Anyone found taking unauthorized photography, still or motion, within the exhibit hall will be ejected from the show and have their photography equipment confiscated.

- If the violator of this policy is an exhibiting company, Show Management reserves the right to remove the exhibit and the exhibitor from the show at the exhibiting company's expense.

- Violations should be reported immediately to Show Management and/or the Show Office.

Additionally, it is important to understand that the primary purpose of the security provided by Show Management is to control access into and out of the exhibit hall and not to secure individual booths. If you feel that the product in your booth is a potential target for commercial espionage, we highly suggest that you consider contracting in-booth security using the security services order form found in the HD Expo Exhibitor Services Kit.

- Exhibitors hiring a photographer other than the Official Show Photographer must receive prior approval from Show Management using this form.

- If approved, you must obtain a camera pass on-site from the Show Office.

- Exhibitor Appointed Photographers may not photograph any booth other than that which they have been hired to photograph.

- Violation or abuse of camera privileges could result in confiscation of film and/or camera and expulsion from future HD Expo events.

- Please complete the information below to notify Show Management of any unofficial photographers being utilized by your group. You will be notified of Show Management's decision via e-mail.

- Overnight photo sessions will require a security guard escort to be hired from HD Expo's contracted security company.

Exhibiting Company Information

Photography Company Information