Hiring and Training Coordinator - AY 2024-2025

For more details and description on the role visit

https://reslife.berkeley.edu/opportunities/student-employment-opportunities/ Thank you for your interest in the position! Please be sure you submit the application when you are done. You will receive a confirmation message when you have successfully submitted it.

Applications will be open until filled. If you have any questions, please email us at reshalls-employment@berkeley.edu.

Personal Information

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To find your Proxy Number: Take out your Cal ID Flip the card over to the back In the bottom right-hand corner in black, you will see a series of numbers that looks like this: xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx-x The Proxy Number we are looking for is the first 6 numbers before the longer sequence. Ex: 123456 1111111111-1, the number we are looking for is 123456

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Past Employment on Campus

Enter with the following format for ALL positions you have on campus: Begin End - End Date/Current: Campus Department, Position

** If you have not worked on campus before or do not have an Employee ID, please skip this question.** If you have worked on campus before: Go to ucpath.berkeley.edu. There’s an icon that reads “UCPath Online - Login” about mid way down the page. Click this icon. Select “University of California, Berkeley”. Fill in your CalNet Authentication Information. In the top left-hand corner, there’s a blue box with your name, Primary Title, Employee ID, and Service Date. Please fill in your Employee ID into the box below Enter your UC Path Employee ID Below:

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Written Section Instructions

Please upload as a single pdf document:

(1) a resume, no more than two pages, that lists your paid and unpaid leadership experiences. For each experience, please list your title, the location, the length of time, and most importantly, the duties you performed.

(2) Answers to the following question, no more than 2 pages:

  1. Why do you want to be the Hiring and Training Residential Student Coordinator?
  2. What are strengths you would bring to the position?
  3. What aspects of the position would you find challenging? Why?

Make sure the PDF is named in the following format: "FirstName_LastName_RSC_App". We will only be reviewing applications submitted in the required PDF file format.

Drag and drop files here or