MBS Outstanding Teaching Award

These awards recognize exceptional teaching efforts in the department. The award committee will look for evidence that the nominee:

  • Stimulates intellectual curiosity
  • Shows evidence of being current in the field
  • Demonstrates commitment to student learning both in and out of the classroom
  • Positively impacts career development
  • Reflects on past teaching experience to improve current practice and utilizes best practices in pedagogy
  • Shows consistency in teaching excellence (have taught for at least three semesters)

Awardees will be announced at the MBS Annual Retreat on March 7, 2025.

Eligibility: Assistant, Associate, and Full Professors

Nominator Info

Nominee Info

Please attach a single .pdf file providing evidence-based support of the nominee's excellence in the below areas (~150 words per area).

  1. Teaching Excellence - Describe and support why this nominee should be recognized for teaching excellence. For example, areas to include could be: contributions to curriculum reform efforts, development or employment of innovative teaching strategies, and success in engaging students.
  2. Mentoring and Advising - Describe notable mentoring and/or advising.
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