2024 Aspiring Educators Conference: Request for Proposal

The 2024 AE conference will be held in Portland, Oregon. All presentations are tentatively scheduled between June 27th and July 30th. Please complete this form and upload any items you feel may be necessary.

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The domains help define the areas of knowledge, skills and experience that 21st century education activists possess.

• Advocacy (ADV): Advances the cause of public education through advocacy for students including addressing racial and social justice in education and how it benefits our students and members’ professional needs and rights.

• Communication (COM): Build and execute an integrated communications strategy that drives the mission, vision, core values and strategic goals of the Association.

• Governance and Leadership (GOV): Sets the mission and establishes and monitors strategies necessary for a relevant and thriving Association while empowering, motivating, and fostering a pipeline of diverse leaders.

• Leading Our Professions (LOP): Advocates for professional learning, professional quality and social diversity inside our professions and promotes our union’s role in advancing education transformation, student learning, and equitable access to opportunities.

• Organizing (ORG): Mobilizes, activates and engages members and leaders to support internal and external relationships and Association capacity to: recruit, retain and identify diverse groups of members and leaders; and advance strategic priorities at the national, state, and local levels.

• Social and Emotional Intelligence (SEL): Understands the knowledge, skills, and behaviors that create healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals; demonstrates the ability to feel and show empathy, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible, caring decisions. Note: This is a new competency domain; as such, sessions will not be coded as SEL, but there are several sessions that will be integrating the domain in the delivery of their session.

• Strategy and Fiscal Health (SFH): Use Association resources responsibly to accomplish the goals of the Association through strategic thinking, effective financial management and understanding of fiduciary responsibilities.

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Leadership Level is a way of describing where each leader is on a leadership experience scale or proficiency progression:

• Level 1, Foundational: Typically used to describe those new to leadership, this progression focuses on “Leading of the Self,” or what one member can do his/herself to lead and/or impact change.

• Level 2, Mobilizing & Power-Building: This describes members who are leaders in the mid-range of their leadership service, and refers to leaders who lead the organization.

• Level 3, Agenda-Driving: This progression covers those at the top leadership level and includes leaders who set the policies/agendas for the national, state and/or local affiliate. Agenda driving leaders focus on leading others.

• Level ALL: This is not a level but indicates that the session is inclusive of all levels.

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Refer to Preparing a Successful Proposal document for questions to consider in your description.

a. What are the expected outcomes of your session?

b. How do these outcomes support the AEC's purpose?

c. How will the session inspire action?

What strategies will be used to make this an interactive and engaging session?

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