Supporting Strathearn Arts by Charitable Giving

Please help us to continue to enrich people’s lives through the Arts, fostering creativity, culture and connectivity, by means of a charitable donation.

The challenges we face in operating in the current Scottish arts sector are echoed in large and small organisations around the country. It has been described by the Chief Executive of Creative Scotland, Iain Munroe, as a ‘perfect storm’ of increasing costs, an uncertain funding landscape and uncertain, and increasingly last minute, event income, due to the pressures on the finances of event goers.

All of these factors are at play for Strathearn Arts, in our small corner of rural Perthshire, it is not a problem that is confined to our large cities.

Thank you, to our existing funding partners, donors, sponsors, tenants, users, staff and volunteers, we are grateful for your support and effort, it allows us to continue a varied programme of events and activities, helping Strathearn Arts to be recognised as a significant and valued Arts resource, locally and regionally.

By donating to Strathearn Arts, you will help us to continue to (a) build on our ambitious creative arts programme, (b) engage with the community and volunteers, and (c) deliver on our core aim, to enable rural audiences, of all ages, access to high-quality cultural activities, on their doorstep.

Donor Details


Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate

Gift Aid is reclaimed by the charity from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Your address is needed to identify you as a current UK taxpayer.

For donations over £20, you will be sent a link to a separate form to complete, which allows us to claim the gift aid on your donation.

Donation Details

Strathearn Artspace SCIO (SC044319) is a charity registered in Scotland, it is known as Strathearn Arts.

The charity is signed up to the Good Fundraising Guarantee and is committed to good fundraising practice, see below and/or for more information.

Generally, donations given are for our unrestricted funds, meaning they can be used where we feel they are most needed, in the delivery of our charitable aims, such as supporting (a) building/operating costs, (b) the delivery of our artistic programme and/or (c) our work with the community, unless a donor specifies a particular area of our work.

Regular or One-Off Donation?:*

You can choose to make regular (monthly/annually etc.) donations (via a standing order) or make a one-off donation:


Feel free to ask questions about our charitable giving scheme, someone will get back to you promptly, via email:

Fundraising Guarantee

Fundraising is the life blood of many Scottish charities and we need to raise funds from voluntary sources. We could not fulfil our charitable mission without the support of generous, thoughtful and committed donors. We value the support of donors and understand the need to balance our duties to beneficiaries, with our duties to donors.

That’s why we make this commitment to you.

We will comply with the law as it applies to charities and fundraising, and we commit that we will guarantee to adhere to best practice as outlined in the Fundraising Code of Practice.

We will monitor fundraisers, volunteers and third parties working with us to raise funds, ensuring that they also comply with this Code of Practice.

We guarantee to operate in line with the values of the Code; to be Legal, Open, Honest and Respectful in all our fundraising.

To promote and underpin these values, we commit to the following standards:

•    We will be clear about who we are and what we do

•    We will give a clear explanation of how you can make a gift and change or stop a regular donation

•    If you do not want to give or wish to cease giving, we will respect your decision

•    We will respect your rights and privacy

•    We have a procedure for dealing with people in vulnerable circumstances and it will be published on our website or will otherwise be available on request

•    We will hold your data securely

•    We will communicate with you in accordance with your selected preferences

If you feel we have not adhered to these standards, or think we could do better, please contact us on and we will deal with your complaint quickly and thoroughly.

We commit to ensuring our complaints process is clear and easily accessible and we will provide clear and evidence-based reasons for our decisions on complaints.

However, should you be dissatisfied with our response, you will be able to take this further by contacting the Scottish Fundraising Standards Panel: