Wine Australia Trade Specialist Program - New Specialist Application 澳大利亚葡萄酒管理局业内人士专家项目 - 新专家申请

In financial year 2018/19, Wine Australia successfully certified around 170 Australian Wine Trade Specialists in the categories of importer/distributor, retailer, and on-premise, which are all an extension of our Australian Wine Specialist of Educator category. Wine Australia will continue to expand our Wine Australian Specialist Program in financial year 2019/20 by both renewing the existing Trade Specialists, and certifying more businesses and individuals who can demonstrate commitment and expertise in Australian wine. Those who adopt our marketing and brand strategy to actively promote and/or sell premium Australian wines, will have the opportunity to become "Wine Australia Trade Specialists". We are planning to complete this exercise by 31 August 2019. 2018/19财年,澳大利亚葡萄酒管理局 (Wine Australia) 成功认证了约170位澳洲葡萄酒业内专家,分别类属于进口商/分销商、零售商及餐饮业,成为澳大利亚葡萄酒业内专家的企业和个人。同时,这些业内专家的认证亦是澳洲葡萄酒讲师(教育者)类别的延伸及拓展。 在2019/20财年,澳大利亚葡萄酒管理局将通过更新现有业内专家团队,以及认证更多针对澳大利亚葡萄酒的推广有热情及经验的企业与个人,持续扩展我们的澳大利亚葡萄酒专家团队。所有认证的“专家”须与我们的市场推广和品牌策略相一致,即推广和/或销售澳大利亚高端葡萄酒,贵公司将继续成为我们的“澳大利亚葡萄酒专家”。 该项目现已启动,计划于2019年8月31日截止。

Section 1: Contact details and information about your organisation 第一部分:企业信息及联系方式

Please complete the below form in English and return to Wine Australia before close of business on Friday 5 July 2019. If any questions, please contact Jessie Qian at email address of 请填写如下申请表(如英文不方便,可填写中文),并于2019年7月5日(周五)下班前,返还至澳大利亚葡萄酒管理局。如有问题,请联系Jessie Qian, 邮件

If no further information to be provided in this cell, Wine Australia will just use the name in the above cell for your final certificate printing if qualified. 如贵公司这一栏不填写任何信息,澳大利亚葡萄酒管理局将使用贵公司在上一栏里填写的信息用于制作专家证书(如贵公司最终审批合格的话)

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

Please select why you want to become an Australian Wine Specialist (can select multiple) 请选择:贵公司为何希望成为澳洲葡萄酒专家(可多选)

Section 2: Represented Brands and Sales Channel 第二部分:代理/销售澳大利亚品牌及销售渠道及区域

Please list ALL your imported/represented Australian wine brands (including their relevant rating if applicable, for example James Halliday Wine Companion rating, or anybody equivalent), and your sales channel and coverage in the form (excel form in the email attachment), and upload after completion. 请填写所有贵公司代理/销售的品牌(包括这些品牌有第三方评级,如James Halliday的评级或评分)及贵公司的销售渠道及区域,然后将填写完的表格(邮件附件中的excel表格)上载至新专家申请表。

Please upload the following document 请上传如下文件: - complete the attached New Specialist Application Form - Importers 填写完的进口商类别新专家申请表(见邮件附件)

Drag and drop files here or

Thanks for your application and submission, and we will contact you later after review. 多谢您递交表格,我们审核之后会和您联系的。