2025 College Awards Nomination Form

You can use this form to nominate for the categories of:

  • Honorary Fellowship
  • Distinguished Fellowship
  • President's Service Medal
  • Community Service Medal

Nominations must be received by 6.00pm on Thursday 17 April 2025.

If you have questions, please email awards@rnzcgp.org.nz.

Nominee details

About your nominee

Please tell us why your nominee should be recognised with a College Award.

Tell us how the service and achievements of the nominee have benefitted general practice and/or rural hospital medicine (this could be at community, national, or international level).

Te Rautaki | Statement of Intent describes the key areas that the College is working on:

  • Supporting our members
  • Becoming a contemporary and sustainable organisation
  • Improving health equity in New Zealand
  • Education excellence
  • Quality general practices.

Tell us how your nominee has contributed to one or more of these key areas

Te Rautaki | Statement of Intent describes the College values as:

  • Service and Stewardship | Kaitiakitanga
  • Respect and Collaboration | Whanaungatanga
  • Diversity and Inclusion | Mana tangata
  • Innovation and Creativity | Auaha

Tell us how your nominee has demonstrated one or more of these values

Tell us if your nominee has received any other awards or formal recognition of their achievements

Is your nomination for a non-member, i.e. Honorary Fellowship Award?*

Nominator details

Letters of support

Please submit two or more letters of support for the nomination from people familiar with the nominee's achievements. If they are a College member a letter from their Faculty Chair is recommended, and if they are a College employee, a letter from the College's CEO.

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