Predominant Learning Mode
Please select a learning mode used by at least 51% of students. Please remember:
H - Hybrid - A school is predominantly hybrid for the month if a majority of students had a hybrid schedule (a mix of in-person and virtual days) for the entire month.
V - Virtual - A school is considered predominantly virtual for a month if a majority of students were 100% virtual (never attended in-person) for the entire month.
I - In-Person - A school is predominantly in-person if a majority of students attended in-person (no virtual days) for the entire month.
If a school switches from one of the previous three models to a different model during the month, then whichever model was used for a majority of the month should be considered the predominant model. For example, if a school started the month with every student on a hybrid schedule (#2) but the school switched to a fully virtual model (#1) for all students for the last 3 weeks of the month due to an increase in COVID cases, then the school would be considered predominantly virtual for the month.