City of Tacoma - Foreclosure Prevention Counseling and Mortgage Assistance Program Application
The City of Tacoma Foreclosure Prevention Counseling and Mortgage Assistance Program serves eligible City of Tacoma homeowners who, because of the COVID-19 emergency or the response to that emergency, have suffered financial hardship and now lack sufficient income and/or resources to pay their mortgage.
Program Highlights:
- Eligible homeowners will receive foreclosure prevention counseling.
- Eligible homeowners are eligible to receive up to four (4) months of mortgage payments up to a maximum of $6,000 per owner.
- Mortgage payments are made directly to the Loan Servicer, mortgage company or bank on behalf of the homeowner.
- Owner must own a home within the city limits of Tacoma and owner occupy the home since March 1, 2020.
- Mortgage payments past due after March 1, 2020.
- Household income must be at or below of 80% Area Median Income (current income limits listed below). Note that income limits will be updated June 1, 2021.
Household size/Maximum annual income 1/$48,450 - 2/$55,400 - 3/$62,300 - 4/$69,200 - 5/$74,750 - 6/$80,300 - 7/$85,850 8/$91,350
Household members include all persons residing in the home that are not a renters or caregivers. The income of all household members 18 years or older must be considered. The program will use the HUD part 5 method of determining income.
Attaching documents to your application is optional; To expediate your application process, please attach now, or be prepared to provide later, copies of the following:
1. Mortgage Statement.
2. Two months documentation of income for all household members 18 years old or older. This includes paystubs, unemployment statement, social security, pension, L&I, child support or other proof of income.
3. Utility bill to verify occupancy.
4. Additional documentation may be requested to verify eligibility.
Please complete the application below and submit. Once submitted you will be contacted by a Foreclosure Prevention Counselor within two weeks. If you have questions please email or call 253-627-5626 ext 106.