Change Certificate Program

Please complete to initiate the approval process to change a certificate program. Please check the box at the end of the form to have a copy of this information sent to you for future use. Please note that you will not be able to “save” and “return” to the form before you submit a request. As such, we suggest you have the information needed to complete the request in hand before you start the process.

Enter the full name of the certificate which will be affected by the proposed change.

From the dropdown menu provided, select the school that host the certificate.

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Indicate the name of the primary contact at the sponsoring school with whom IRA staff will work to manage the steps required to approve the proposed certificate change.

Enter the official UVA email address of the proposal contact (primary computing ID address, no alias or non-UVA email addresses, please).

Select the date you are submitting this initiation request.

Enter the term in which the school aims to enroll students in the revised certificate for the first time.

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Select the type of certificate from the dropdown list in which the certificate can be categorized. (CERT-PB for Post Bacc, CERT-G for Graduate, CERT-NC for Non-Credit, CERT-UG for Undergraduate)

Select or enter value
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For reference the current UVA policy regarding certificates can be found below:

Enter the current number of credits a student would need to earn to complete the certificate’s requirements.

Enter the number of credits a student would need to earn to complete the certificate’s requirements with the proposed changes.

Indicate the current 6-digit CIP Code for the certificate that the program faculty would suggest aligns most closely with the curriculum of the certificate. CIP Codes are the US Department of Education’s national taxonomic system for reporting of institutional data. All certificate programs are assigned a CIP Code, and consistent with SCHEV requirements, an institution may only have one certificate program per 6-digit CIP Code at each level (postbaccalaureate, undergraduate, graduate). A list of assigned CIP codes to UVA certificate programs is available on SCHEV’s degree inventory page at

Indicate the proposed 6-digit CIP Code for the certificate that the program faculty would suggest aligns most closely with the curriculum of the certificate.

Description of Changes to Certificate Program

Upload a brief description (one to two paragraphs) word document or PDF setting forth the purpose of the certificate. Reference what students (see target audience below) will learn and how that will further their professional qualifications. Describe the specific knowledge and skills that students will acquire. If applicable, specify if the certificate leads to the meeting the requirements of a government agency or licensing board – fully or partially. For example, a proposed certificate may provide the required coursework to sit for the examination for national certification, but not required the practicum experience to sit for the examination. Note: if there are additional contacts beyond the primary contact who will be engaged in this proposal, please provide their names and contact information at the end of this document.

Drag and drop files here or

Is the proposed certificate in a new field or discipline in which your school does not currently offer any related credentials (degree/certificate). For example, if the proposed degree will require the hiring of several new faculty to provide subject matter expertise, it may represent a significant departure.

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Faculty Resources

Indicate whether the school plans to hire new faculty to teach the core required courses for the proposed certificate. In addition, indicate the location(s) of existing faculty that you anticipate teach the core required courses of the proposed certificate. For example, will all existing faculty teaching the core courses come from the sponsoring school?

New Faculty*

Do you plan to hire new faculty (i.e., T/TT, General Faculty) to teach any of the required core courses of the certificate?

What existing faculty do you anticipate will teach the core required courses for the certificate? (select all that apply)

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Indicate whether the new certificate will require new library acquisitions/ subscriptions; and/or any other new learning resources, such as instructional/research software. (select all that apply)

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Indicate whether the new certificate will require new equipment or physical space beyond the school’s current resources.

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Indicate the current delivery format(s) in which students complete the certificate (select all that apply): • If a student is able to complete the entire program in a traditional, Face to Face format with no online coursework, select ‘100% Face to Face.’ • If a student is able to complete the entire program online, with no face-to-face coursework, select ‘100% Online.’ • If a student is required or able to complete the program via a combination of Face to Face and Online courses, indicate ‘Hybrid.’

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Indicate the proposed delivery format(s) in which students complete the certificate (select all that apply): • If a student is able to complete the entire program in a traditional, Face to Face format with no online coursework, select ‘100% Face to Face.’ • If a student is able to complete the entire program online, with no face-to-face coursework, select ‘100% Online.’ • If a student is required or able to complete the program via a combination of Face to Face and Online courses, indicate ‘Hybrid.’

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Indicate the current location where the certificate is held (select all that apply): • If the program is offered at the main campus in Charlottesville, select that entry. • If the program is offered at an approved UVA off-grounds location, select ‘Approved UVA Off Campus site.’ • If you intend to offer the certificate at an off-grounds location that is not currently an approved site, select ‘New UVA Off-Campus Site (To Be Approved).’ Note: off-campus instructional sites must be approved by SACSCOC and SCHEV. • If the program is offered 100% online, i.e. students are able to complete the entire program remotely, select ‘100% online.’

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Indicate the proposed location where the certificate is held (select all that apply): • If the program is offered at the main campus in Charlottesville, select that entry. • If the program is offered at an approved UVA off-grounds location, select ‘Approved UVA Off Campus site.’ • If you intend to offer the certificate at an off-grounds location that is not currently an approved site, select ‘New UVA Off-Campus Site (To Be Approved).’ Note: off-campus instructional sites must be approved by SACSCOC and SCHEV. • If the program is offered 100% online, i.e. students are able to complete the entire program remotely, select ‘100% online.’

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Indicate whether the certificate or any of its constituent courses are delivered through a contractual agreement with another University or other party.

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Current Certificate Requires Internship or Practicum Requirement*

Indicate whether the current certificate requires all students to complete an internship, practicum, or clinical experience.

Proposed Program Requires Internship or Practicum*

Indicate whether the proposed certificate requires all students to complete an internship, practicum, or clinical experience.

Current Certificate Leads to Professional Certification or Licensure*

Indicate whether the current certificate will formally or potentially lead to professional licensure or certification (i.e. the courses may meet the coursework and/or practicum requirements for a professional license/certification in Virginia or other US states).

Updated Certificate Leads to Professional Certification or Licensure?*

Indicate whether the updated certificate will formally or potentially lead to professional licensure or certification (i.e. the courses may meet the coursework and/or practicum requirements for a professional license/certification in Virginia or other US states).


Indicate the date on which the proposed certificate was or will be reviewed and approved by the internal curriculum committee of the proposing school. If the committee meeting schedule is not yet known at the time of submission, indicate 09/01/YY if you anticipate review in the coming Fall semester, and 02/01/YY if you anticipate review in the coming Spring.

Indicate the actual or anticipated date on which the proposed certificate change was or will be reviewed and approved by the dean of the proposing school.


Please enter any additional information that you want to share with the Institutional Research and Analytics Team.