Periodic Report from AIHA Standards Representatives

Instructions: Reporting to AIHA is required from each member representing AIHA on a standards developing committee. Reports are required: •At least annually, and •Whenever there is a significant development or change in direction, policy or overall aspect within the committee that affects AIHA or its membership. To make it easier to remember what you did throughout the year and to allow AIHA to respond to emerging standards related issues more quickly, it is preferable to complete a report after each committee activity. It is suggested that the primary representative and the alternate representative work together to create this report, but it is the primary representative’s responsibility to ensure that the report is completed and submitted.

(e.g. ASTM D22 Air Quality)

Please include the Standard number and title, along with the date of the most recent revision, and its next expected revision date. Update this list when standards are added, expired, or when revision dates change.

Please include the Standard number, activity date, and a description of the activity (e.g., meeting/conference call, vote/canvass, approval of new/revised standard, re-affirmation of existing standard without changes, annual report to AIHA).

Were there any disagreements or controversies between the committee’s activities and AIHA’s interests or position statements?*

Click here to review AIHA’s interests: Click here to review AIHA’s position statements:

Were there any potential violations of AIHA's Guideline Foundation Conflict of Interest Statement?*

Click here to review AIHA's Guideline Foundation Conflict of Interest statement:

Were there any potential violations of AIHA's Anti-Trust statement or other Volunteer Code of Conduct statements?*

Click here to review AIHA’s Volunteer Code of Conduct:

Did you consult with the relevant AIHA Volunteer Group or Standards Advisory Panel to determine AIHA’s position on topics addressed in the standard or to resolve any issues/questions?*

Click here for the list of AIHA Volunteer Groups: Email to request the contact information for the relevant Volunteer Group or the Standards Advisory Panel.

Thank you for your service to AIHA and its membership!