Take steps early on to ensure a successful and smooth approval process. If you are requesting accreditation through the UCSF Office of CME for the first time:
Consider attending with any/all administrators who will support your course, the monthly CE Training workshops. OCME offers "Credit standards", "How to Write an Excellent Credit Request"; and "How to Use the CE Portal". You can reach out to request an invitation when you are ready to attend.
Plan a start date far enough in advance, more than 9 months is recommended for live activities and more than 4 months is recommended for RSS and enduring material activities. This is to give you enough time to both a) prepare submit the New Idea & First-Time Request form and receive approval; and then b) complete and submit a full-Credit-Request application no later than the 9 and 4 month deadline, respectively. (Office of CME does not guarantee approval in time for programs who submit later than this)
For live activities with a registration process, prepare a budget with your best-guess projections and base be strategic with registration fees so that you can break even or generate a small profit.
Think about advertising a Save-The-Date early on. (You don’t have to say anything about offering credit at this time).
Ensure the planning committee is clear from the outset about how the education should change the practice and/or behavior of the ideal learner and/or the ideal healthcare team.
Make sure you have a least one planner who has no financial conflicts of interest with any content in the Activity. (This person will need to mitigate conflicts of interest if the education applies to be accredited.)
Take steps to ensure your planning committee is comprised of members whose professions reflect those of your learners; UC or affiliated planners are required (we do not certify third-party events)
Consider whether the education is appropriate for
- team-based learning
- how you might incorporate the principles of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in your content
- any elements of cultural and linguistic competency
- education on the forefront of Artificial Intelligence
Be clear about how the education from your program will ideally change practice and/or behavior of the ideal learner or team.
Identify evidence in literature or data that suggests that ideal practice is different actual practice. Examples include literature citations, variable patient outcomes, guideline adherence, and evidence-based best practices in publications.
Prepare any important messages you want your faculty to be advised of, and then get your speakers and topics in place so that you can submit a complete schedule of speakers and topics of your live program at least 9 months in advance of the program start date for credit and for your Regularly Scheduled Series (RSS) at least 4 months in advance of the program start date for credit.
Consider the venue and its cost and be sure it is booked before you advertise.
Be sure you can plan the Activity without an Office of CME Event Planner. (Our planners’ availability is limited at this time.)
***IMPORTANT: Steps above are intended to help organize your planning process regardless of whether the education is ultimately permitted to award credit and is not a guarantee that the UCSF Office of CME will agree to support your program for credit. Please hold questions until we have had 2 weeks to respond to your submitted New Inquiry Questionnaire form.