2020 NAFSA IEM KC Connector Program Application

Please be sure you are available and committed to meeting and spending time with your Connection if you sign up.

Are you signing up as a Connector or a Connectee?*
How many conferences have you attended?*
If you are signing up as a CONNECTOR (mentor), would you be willing to take more than one connectee?

If you are not sure, click here to find out: https://www.nafsa.org/connect-and-network/nafsa-regions

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What is your institution type?
If you selected public or private institution above, please select the institution type that best describes your institution.

Please note: this program is meant for professionals working in the field. If you are a student, please consider visiting the Career Center!

Please provide a cell phone number so we can reach you on site at the conference, if necessary.

Select up to three.

Select or enter value
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Select all times that you are available.

Select or enter value
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How many years have you worked in International Enrollment Management (Recruitment, marketing, admissions, intensive English program, credential evaluation, sponsored programs)?*

Please add any additional information about your professional and/or personal interests here that may help us match you with an ideal Connection.

Please, describe your professional goals/objectives that you would like to achieve while at the NAFSA Annual Conference 2020.