2024 Forward Fund Feasibility Study Application

Organizational Information

Has your organization received an award from the Forward Fund in the past?*
If yes, has your organization completed its award?

Primary Point of Contact Information

Feasibility Study Information

(Place Name and/or Street Address)

Do you have control over your proposed project site, or do you have a letter of support from the property owner with whom you have a long-term lease agreement?*

Briefly describe your feasibility study. (350 words max).

Identify how your study's project is aligned with the Forward Fund's goals of improving or maintaining the quality, efficiency, and accessibility of organizations that provide services for the benefit of the City's residents, workers, and visitors; and how your project helps to achieve the priorities identified in the CRA’s mission or 2023 Strategic Plan, or the City’s Envision Cambridge Citywide Plan. (350 words max).

If applicable, please explain how this project aligns with citywide sustainable energy efficiency goals and/or building codes.

If applicable, please explain how the space proposed to be improved by the capital infrastructure project could improve ADA accessibility standards for the non-profit space.


You may request up to $10,000

Application Materials

Using the link below, create a single PDF with the following information. (max size limit is 250 MB)

  • Budget: Please upload a budget or quote for the feasibility study amount requested. If your study cost exceeds the amount of the Forward Fund Feasibility Study Grant awarded, identify how you will fund the rest of the study.

  • Scope of Work: Please upload a feasibility study scope of work, and consultant/contractor quotes or proposals if applicable.

  • Timeline: Please upload a timeline for the feasibility study's completion, identifying study milestones and respective completion dates.

  • Organization's W-9 Form

  • Any Supplemental Information: Other applicable project document may be submitted, but please be aware of file size limitations.
Drag and drop files here or

Additional Information