2019 MetFoam Registration Award

MetFoam 2019 Registration Award Application

The National Science Foundation has provided support to offer registration awards for a limited number of students, postdoctoral researchers and early career investigators who have received their degree within the last five years (CMMI-1932762). Each award recipient will receive complimentary registration to MetFoam 2019 which includes a welcome session; plenary talks; invited speakers; a robust poster session; daily lunch; conference banquet; and a copy of the conference proceedings with electronic access.

Applying for the Award

To apply for this award, submit the form below. Applications will be awarded on a first come, first served basis with preference given to those who have not previously registered for the conference and/or are willing to present a poster if provided the opportunity. Please note that receiving this award does not guarantee approval of a poster abstract. Poster approval will be conveyed separately from this award. Applicants are encouraged to submit their form as early as possible. Applications will not be considered after July 26, 2019. The organizers reserve the right to limit the number of award recipients per institution or organization to fairly distribute the funds among potential attendees. Members of underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply. If you have any questions about this application, please contact Kelcy Wagner (kwagner@tms.org).

Recipient Responsibilities

Award recipients will be notified by TMS staff and must submit the provided registration form within two weeks of notification. In order to be eligible for the award, recipients must plan to attend the full MetFoam 2019 conference from August 20-23, 2019 in Dearborn, MI.


Please note that these awards are reserved for the following categories: 1. Students: Undergraduate or Graduate students currently enrolled at a U.S. university. 2. Postdoctoral Researchers: Individuals who have obtained their Ph.D. and are currently performing research at a U.S. university or research institution. 3. Early Career Investigators: Professionals from academia, government, or industry who have received their degree within the past 5 years.


Supporting Documents

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