Denver Bar Association Member Application

Thank you for your interest in joining the Denver Bar Association! Please complete the following membership application, and our Membership team will follow-up within 2 business days.

Questions? Contact us at or 303-860-1115.

Thank you!

MEMBER PROFILE | Please provide the following information so we can create your membership profile.

Address Type*

PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION | Please answer the questions regarding your professional status.


Please select what best provides your current occupation or industry.

Please describe your current occupation.

Are you licensed in Colorado? *

Are you licensed in a jurisdiction other than Colorado?*

Please provide your original attorney license jurisdiction, if other than Colorado.

Please provide your original jurisidiction license date, if other than Colorado.

Are you a government attorney?*

DBA Active Attorney Membership

Select the membership category based on your original license date, regardless of jurisdiction.

DBA Government Attorney Membership

Select the membership category based on your original license date, regardless of jurisdiction.

Inactive License Attorney Membership

Inactive attorney memberships are for attorneys who have an Inactive license status with the Colorado Supreme Court.

Retired Attorney Membership

The DBA retired membership is for attorneys 65+ and working part-time or less.

Judicial Officer Membership

DBA membership is complimentary for judicial officers.

Active Military Membership

DBA membership is complimentary for attorneys and judicial officers on Active duty with the US Military.

Law Student Membership

DBA membership is complimentary for law students attending an accredited law school.

Associate Membership

DBA Associate memberships are for legal support staff, including paralegals, administrators, and marketing and finance professionals.

Patron Membership

The DBA offers a patron membership for non-attorney professionals who provide goods and services to the legal community.

LLP Membership

Select the membership category based on your Colorado license date.

DEMOGRAPHIC DATA | The DBA shall not discriminate in its membership or admission policies in any manner against persons on the basis of gender, race, color, national origin, age, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, gender identity and expression, or religious beliefs. If you do not wish to provide the following information, select “Choose not to answer”. This information as to individuals will be kept confidential and only reported in the aggregate

Gender Identity & Expression
Sexual Orientation