Untitled sheet

Year Level*

Please give bullet point details of any outdoor/environmental hobbies, programmes or adventures you lead or have participated in. (1500 characters max):

Please provide as much information as possible e.g. vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, dairy-free, allergic to peanuts etc. Write in NONE if you have no dietary concerns. If you are selected for BLAKE Inspire, we cannot change your dietary options halfway through the programme, so please be specific!

Please provide as much information as possible e.g. anxiety, allergies (and any medication needed), eating disorder, back pain, injuries etc. Write in NONE if you have no medical/allergy/behavioural concerns.

How confident are you around water?

This does not impact your selection but helps us to place you in the right groups if selected for BLAKE Inspire.


Please provide a brief 1-2 page max CV outlining any leadership, environmental, school, community or employed activities you have been involved with. We recommend looking online for a CV template if you are unsure. File must not exceed 8MB. Please upload a PDF file only.


Please provide a high resolution head and shoulders profile photo of yourself (at least 1MB but no more than 5MB). If selected for BLAKE Inspire, this will be used in our programme manual and in any publications. Please upload a JPG or PNG file only and ensure it is close up, not a "fun photo of you on an adventure", but a head and shoulders photo please).


Please provide a 1-2 page written reference from your teacher/school principal or someone able to comment on your character, skills and suitability as a BLAKE Inspire delegate. File must not exceed 8MB. Please upload a PDF, JPG or PNG file only. If you do not include a reference or only provide referee details for us to contact, your application will not be considered.

Drag and drop files here or
Programme Preference*

We have expanded BLAKE Inspire to support 105 delegates throughout the year, and will be offering the programme through at least 45 fully subsidised scholarships and 95 partially subsidised positions at $875 (GST included). Please specify if you would be able to pay this cost if selected or if you would like to attend on a full scholarship (45 places available).

Have you done Blake Inspire before?*