The Touch Union Session Details

Thank you for your interest in The Touch Union. We are delighted to now be able to provide the next step in supporting your sessions through listing them on England Rugby's Find Rugby page. In order for us to list your sessions and make sure we can best support your club, we now need you to confirm your session details with us. Clubs who list their session details will be provided a kit pack consisting of balls, bibs, cones and a ball bag - packs will be sent as part of a wider delivery; applicable clubs will be updated on the date shortly.

Session Information

Event Details

The date of the session, if the session happens every week please enter the date of the first session here.

Please let us know what time the session(s) will start (e.g. 10:00).

Please let us know what time the session(s) will end (e.g. 15:00).

Details about the session. Age groups, genders, social/competitive etc. Please keep this approx 30 words maximum.

If this is a recurring session, please add the date of the last session.

Session Contact Information

Please confirm the name of the individual responsible for organising your session.

Please provide the link to your session or centre's website, Facebook page or other event page if you have one.

The lowest age you have to be to attend a session

The oldest age you have to be to attend a session

Privacy Policy

All personal information collected within this form will be processed in accordance with our privacy policy.