Education Support Professionals

Data Collection

In order to implement the education support professional bonus program as adopted in Senate Bill 831 of 2022, LEAs are required to provide the MSDE with a current number of noncertificated education support professionals by submitting this form and providing, for each eligible employee, the employee’s first name, last name, job title, job classification, email address and bargaining unit to the program contact.

Upon completion, MSDE will aggregate the data, calculate the final bonus amount per employee, and distribute a grant to each LEA so that LEAs can provide the bonuses directly to the eligible employees.

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File Upload

Upload the completed data file here. You can download the template via this link.

Drag and drop files here or

Certification and Attestation

By entering my name below and submitting this electronic form, I hereby certify that:

Upon completion, MSDE will aggregate the data, calculate the final bonus amount per employee, and distribute a grant to each LEA so that LEAs can provide the bonuses directly to the eligible employees.