Rent Increase Requests
Landlords, Property Owners, and Property Managers ONLY - Please complete the below form to request a change in the rent for your unit. If you have multiple tenants, you will need to complete a form for each tenant individually.
Rent increases can only be granted once every 12 months. An approved increase in rent may go into effect on the 1st of the month following 60 days from the request submission. Please see the chart below for guidance on when your rent increase will go into effect. The allowed rent change is the lesser of the reasonable rent as determined by AMHA (which could result in a rent decrease) and the amount requested by the owner.
Month Submitted: Effective Date:
January 1-Apr
February 1-May
March 1-Jun
April 1-Jul
May 1-Aug
June 1-Sep
July 1-Oct
August 1-Nov
September 1-Dec
October 1-Jan
November 1-Feb
December 1-Mar