Spring Commisioning Sign Up

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Is you boat currently stored at Rt 113 Boat Sales*
Do you have a trailer?*

Regardless of drop off date you will need to select the desired pick up date at the end of this form.

Transportation Service

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Deliver boat to ramp -- $189.00

We will me you at the ramp of your choosing to delivery the boat to you. Distance fees may apply.

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Distance fees may be assesed based on ramp location

Tier 1 (Ramp Labeled T1) -- Included in hual out & valet fee

Tier 2 (Ramp Labeled T2)-- $85.00

Tier 3 (Ramp Labeled T3)-- $170.00

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Valet Delivery of boat -- $388.00

With our valet delivery service we will send 2 technicians to the ramp and drive the boat around to your slip. Distance fees may apply.

Please include full adress or marina name

Mobile Service Fee -- $199.00

Mobile service at you marina and/or home carries a $199.00 mobile service fee per trip. if services are unable to be completed in 1 trip additional travel time will be billed.

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Keep in mind we will need access to water, and electricity.

Mechanical Services

Engine commisioning services

Connect Batteries, Replace Inline fuel filter on engine(s), prime fuel system start engine(s) and run until fogging oil is out of the engine(s). Confirm engine shifts and throttles as it should. Perform engine diagnostic to confirm no codes present. 1 basic boat cleaning is included in spring start, detailing will be an additional fee.

Single engine spring commisioning -- $170.00

This charge includes 1 hours of labor. Parts not included.

Twin engine spring commisioning -- $340.00

This charge includes 2 hours of labor. Parts not included.

Triple engine spring commisioning -- $510.00

This charge includes 3 hours of labor. Parts not included.

Quad engine spring commisioning -- $680.00

This charge includes 4 hours of labor. Parts not included.

Electrical system commisioning services

Connect batteries & load test to confirm batteries are still good. Perform full boat systems check to ensure all systems are functioning at time of delivery. If issues are found they will either be repaired or quoted based upon you selection in the next section of the form.

23ft and under -- $170.00

This charge is for inspection of systems and includes 1hr of labor.

24ft to 26ft -- $255.00

This charge is for inspection of systems and includes 1.5hr of labor.

27ft - 34ft -- $340.00

This charge is for inspection of systems and includes 2hr of labor.

35ft and over -- $510.00

This charge is for inspection of systems and includes 3hr of labor.

If issues are found during electrical commisioning would you like the work quoted or repaired?

If work is requested to be quoted and we are unable to obtain approval when called work will be considered declined and the technician will move on. If you select repaired you will be required to enter a maximum repair budget below, we will only call for approval if repairs will exceed your maximum repair budget.

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Water System Commisioning -- $170.00

Run antifeeze out of fresh water systems reprime with water and water conditioner. Raw water systems including generators, air conditioning and seakeepers will not be commisioned. Pumps will be run to confirm opperation, but antifreeze will not be drained. This charge includes 1hr of labor parts will be additional.

Preventative Maintenance

Engine Anode Replacement (Recomended every 2 years) -- $85.00 + Parts

Engine anode include the cavitation plate anode above the prop and the bracket anode below the trim system. Engine anodes are a cruicial part of protecting your boat from corrosion related damage and failures. This charge includes .5 hours of labor parts are additional.

Spark Plug Replacement (recommended every 2 years) -- $85.00 + Parts

Spark plugs are a major cause of boat down time during the summer season. We recommend replacing spark plugs every 2 years to prevent unnessesary down time during our short boating season. This charge includes .5 hours of labor parts are additional.

Water Pump & Thermostat Replacement (Recommended every 3 years) -- $595.00+ Parts

Water pumps are a rubber impeller located inside of the lower unit of your outboard. During the life of the engine this rubber impellers begin to get memory causing water flow to decrease and the rubber begins to dry rot. We recomend replacing the water pump every three years. During a water pump replacement in addition to the rubber impeller we also replace the plastic housing, driveshaft seals and anti knock washers. This charge includes 3.5 hours of labor parts are additional. 1 Additional hour of labor will be assed on XF425 or XF450 Yamahas.

Vapor Seperator Tank Service (Recomended every 2 years) -- $425.00 + Parts

Vapor seperator tanks are located on the side of your engine under the intake manifold. They house your High pressure fuel pump, your fuel cooler, and a series of filters. Our #1 cause of down time during the boating season is issues with the VST tank. During the Vst cleaning with remove the pump and replace all VST filters, additionally we clean your fuel cooler located on the back side of the vapor seporator tank. these passages become clogged with sand and corrosion durring the life of the engine. Regular servicing of the VST tank will prevent unnessesary down time during your summer boating season. This charge includes 2.5 hours of labor parts are an additonal charge.

Timing Belt Replacement (Recommended every 5 years) -- $850.00 + Parts

Timing belts connect all the moving components of the engine together. Over time these belts will begin to break down and will begin to leave a fine black dust under the cowling. Once this begins to happen the timing belt is due for replacment. Durring this process will we also replace the idler and tensioner pullies. As the pullies age they will begin to discharge their grease resulting in the pully locking up. If either of these problems occur the resulting damage will include damage to pistons and vales resulting in total engine failure. This charge include 5 hours of labor parts are additional.

Yard Services

Yard services include unblocking; shrink wrap removal; adding fuel; and summer trailer storage. Please select all that apply.

Please select a amount of fuel to be added.

Bottom Paint Services

All bottom paint pricing includes labor and materials. 2 Coats of Paint is required on all color change requests

Repaint Bottom 1 Coat -- $25.00 Per Foot

Repaint Bottom 2 Coats -- $40.00 Per Foot

First time bottom Paint -- $125.00 Per Foot

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Bottom paint color change -- $170.00

If we are changing the current bottom paint color to a new color 2 Coats of paint and additional prep is required. Over time the original color will begin to show through the paint. This charge is for an additional hour of sanding and prep work for the color change.

Detailing services

Compound & Wax Services

Hull and topside include the water line to the rub rail as well as the topsides of the boat this does not include inside of hatches or inside of the console.


Hull and Top Sides Compound & Wax under 23FT -- $45/FT

Hull and Top Sides Compound & Wax 24-28FT -- $50/FT

Hull and Top Sides Compound & Wax over 28FT -- $55/FT

Ceramic Coating Services

Ceramic coating is a hydrophobic polymer that last 2-3 years depending on use and will eliminate the need to wax the boat for that time, this service includes hull sides waterline to rub rail, all exterior topside surfaces, engines, metals, hardtop and cushions (cushions must be present at the time of the service).


Ceramic Coat whole boat under 23FT -- $140/FT

Ceramic Coat whole boat between 24-28FT -- $150/FT

Ceramic Coat whole boat between 29-34FT -- $165/FT

Ceramic Coat whole boat over 34FT -- Call for quote


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Desired pick up or delivery date

Please note you have up to 3 week prior to your scheduled delivery date to reschedule, Failure to do so will result in additional fees and being rescheduled at our earliest convience.

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