Non- BCM Rotation Form - Residents/Fellows

Please download the elective rotation checklist & supporting documents packet here. Do NOT sign within the hyperlink.

If coming from outside the state of Texas, please email to recieve the TMB spreadsheet.

**Note that it is you and your PCs responsibility to make sure the BCM PC and PD are aware of this rotation ahead of time and have approved this rotation**

You must submit your elective rotation forms at least 30 business days prior to rotation start date.


** if not a US Citizen you will need need to have your TPL Advisor fill out your ISO form: here

*this is for any J1 visa holders or permanent residents

Trainee's date of birth

Be specific. Example: TCH Pediatric GI

Be specific. Example: Pediatric GI

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

Put N/A if it doesn't apply to you

We only allow J-1 visa holders or permanent residents to rotate through. This will be checked out through BCM's ISO office.

** if not a US Citizen you will need to have that ISO form filled out by your TPL Advisor and uploaded with the rest of the doucments

If yes, please upload a formal letter, from your supervisor, stating you have previously done a background check/drug screening and have proof of liability coverage.

Include City, State, & Zip Code

Please tell us the name, phone number, & relationship to trainee

Include City, State & Zip Code

Please let us know your home program PC's infromation!

If you can, please also add the BCM PC that will work with you during your rotation. *Ask your home program PC if you're unsure who to add as the contact.

Helpful tip: not Reagan Sadler, she is the rotation GME point of contact.

You will see, below, that there is a section to upload all required documents (up to 10 separate files).

**Please submit all documents at once. You cannot resubmit or edit. IF you are just missing the PLA or the TMB Permit (if outside the state of Texas) it is okay to submit everything else - we will add the PLA and/or TMB Permit on the back end once recieved.

  • BCM Liability Form (this form is in the elective packet embeded in the description of this elective application
  • Proof (an approval email) from BCM PC/PD that this rotation has been approved **
  • Proof of Professional Liability Coverage *if military personnel, a formal letter, from your superior, stating you have this is sufficient*
  • Castlebranch Background Check/Drug Screening (this form is in the elective packet embeded in the description of this elective application) *if from an affiliated hospital or military personnel, a letter from the program stating this has been completed before is sufficient*
  • Copy of current TMB license or permit
  • Copy of ACLS/ATLS/PALS from American Heart Association or American Red Cross
  • Proof of HIPAA Training, from your institution & signed BCM Privacy document (this form is in the elective packet embeded in the description of this elective application)
  • Complete Immunization Records - most up to date Flu Shot is a must
  • Fully Executed Program Letter of Agreement - needs to be uploaded each time - ask your progmram for this

**If NOT a US Citizen, you will need to have your TPL Advisor fill out the ISO Check-In Form click here

The ISO team will verify that the ECFMG has approved this rotation.

^This is only accepted if trainee is already in the United States for their residency/fellowship - we do not accept elective rotations for people outside the US looking to come to the US solely for this purpose.

**NOTE: The BCM Badging Office makes any trainee coming in (that doesn't already have a BCM badge) to pay a fee of $20, paid in cash. This is not something they let us waive, so let your programs know. BCM Badging Information

Drag and drop files here or

(waived for US Military trainees & Affiliated hospitals in the Med Center):

$500 if GME is notified at least 90 days prior to start date

$750 if GME is notified less than 90 days prior to start date

$1250 for any elective scheduled between June 1 – July 31

*Fee is non-refundable.

Checks can be made out to:

Office of Graduate Medical Education

One Baylor Plaza 405A

Houston, TX 77030