Career Coaching Request

Career Coaches provide one-on-one job search support for job seekers in the Twin Cities. Coaches can help you identify open opportunities, update your resume to tailor your skills and experience to specific occupations, and connect you with resources and services. Enter your contact information below and a Career Coach will contact you to start the process.

Caret IconCaret symbol

A coach will contact you to follow up. To better assist you, please note any language needs or accommodations.


By clicking the submit button, you:

• are giving us permission to contact you regarding Workforce Services and agreeing to share your information with Twin Cities Metro Region workforce service partners and organizations.

• understand that you are being asked to provide private information to enable Career Coaches to assist you.

• acknowledge that by electing to receive your information via email in a non-secure manner that the information will not be encrypted, and that it could be intercepted & viewed by a third party.

The City of Minneapolis is not responsible for unauthorized access to your information while in transmission to the email address you designated above.