Online Application Form Global Influencing Grant V-1730-XG-IF

Influencing grants are meant for (more established) organisations and networks to strengthen their lobby and advocacy capacities and amplify the voice of marginalised and discriminated groups. For Global influencing grants range from €25,000 to €500,000. Deadline: 15 September 2017, 23:59 pm.


On behalf of what type of organisation are you submitting the application?*

Descriptions: An INFORMAL GROUP is a group that is emerging due to the response and common interests of the members of the group who can easily identify with the goals or independent activities of the group. Informal groups are not officially registered as an organisation but may have statutes or by-laws to help organise themselves or could be recognised at the local level. An informal group may select a host organisation to manage the grant on their behalf. A FORMAL ORGANSATION is officially registered as a Non-Governmental organisation or entity at the national level. This may also include a social enterprise as long as there is no profit-making element to it. A NETWORK consists of individuals and/or organisations that share information, ideas and resources to accomplish individual or group goals. Networking is a process of acquiring resources and building power by using or creating linkages between two or more individuals, groups, and/or organisations. Networks tend to be loose, flexible associations of people and groups brought together by a common interest or concern to share information and ideas. A coalition is a higher form of a network with a common advocacy goal. Networks can be registered or not. If they are not they require a host organisation for the purposes of Voice.

Does the organisation have a trained accountant?*

Does this specific project receive funds from another donor?*

Did you apply for funds from another donor for this specific project?*

Are you an existing partner or have you received funding from Oxfam?*

Are you an existing partner or have you received funding from Hivos?*



Indicate which of the Voice priority groups you propose to support. Please indicate if you are supporting more than one group with this project or you are supporting a group that may be discriminated against because of multiple issues.


The principle Nothing About Us Without Us is a very strong guiding principle for Voice. Please respond to the following.

Do you have people from the target groups you propose to work with above in your governance structure?*

Do you have people from the target groups you propose to work with above in your staffing structure?*


Indicate which of the Voice priority themes your proposal will address. Please indicate if your proposal is addressing more than one thematic area






How did you find out about this Call for Proposals? Please check only one response that is most relevant:*


Linking and learning lies at the heart of Voice. We therefore would like to know the learning practices of our (potential) grantees. Please complete the next part openly and honestly. It will obviously not have a bearing on the assessment of your proposal.

1. What is your organisations capacity to self-assess, learn and develop its approaches and capacities?*

Explanation: An indicator for your organisation’s learning capability is that your organisation reflects on its practice and is not afraid to experiment and innovate. Mistakes and failures are seen as opportunities to learn and are not immediately punished. A good monitoring and reporting system that provides the information you need to learn from is in place. My organisation:

2. Is innovation and learning encouraged and on the agenda of your organisation?*

Explanation: Is the atmosphere in the organisation open to experiment and innovate and is it possible to make mistakes and learn from these mistakes? Additionally, is there time and space created, allowing staff members to sit together to discuss and learn from each other?

3. Does your target population and other actors think the results achieved by the organisation are important? (Relevance)*

Explanation: To what degree has the organisation developed its activities (change agenda and/or services) in interaction and with full participation of target-groups? Is it based on the analysis of needs and demands? Does the organisation adapt its activities when the context and the needs and demands change?

4. Is the staff of the organisation knowledgeable and sensitive about the customs, languages and culture of the communities and targeted people they are working with and for?*
5. Regarding the objective to make the voices heard and lobby and advocate for the rights of the Voice target groups; how would you rate the influencing capacity of your organisation?*

• The Project Proposal • The Project Budget

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At a later stage we may require the following documents: • Certificate of Registration • Applicant Organisation’s Statutes • Applicant Organisation’s Annual Report – if available • Applicant Organisation’s Latest Audit Reports – from the 2 previous years if available • Additional Documents such as bank statements

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