2024 Faculty Support and Reassignment Awards for Research and Creative Activity
Award Period: January 1, 2024 - May15, 2024
This program provides funds to allow faculty dedicated time in the academic year for creative and scholarly activity and to prepare and submit a competitive application for extramural support. Activities may include preparing grants for research, scholarship, creative and artistic activities, fellowships and residencies. Requests for time to work on scholarly endeavors such as a book are allowed, as long as the project can be completed during the semester of the reassignment. Extramural sponsor types may include federal, state or foundation. We encourage applications in the Arts and Humanities and examples of extramural support in these areas include art and music commissions, exhibits and performances, book publishing contracts, museum and library fellowships, artist-in-residence and scholar-in-residence programs.
This support may be accomplished through a course buyout of the faculty member’s teaching and service assignments (one three-credit-hour course) in Spring 2024 (FY24). Alternatively, funds may be used for undergraduate or graduate student support (to conduct research or assist with teaching) to provide the faculty member additional time to work on projects. Funds will be paid directly to the department to hire replacement faculty to cover teaching assignments or for student compensation. Faculty will not receive any direct compensation and summer stipends will not be provided.
Applicants must present a well-defined project that will form the basis of a subsequent proposal to an extramural sponsor. Applicants must specify a specific funding opportunity, sponsor, and submission deadline which must be within a year of award completion (i.e. May 15, 2025 or for those preparing a work, it must be completed by then).
We encourage all applicants to identify an internal mentor/advisory group (1-3 individuals) to advise the faculty member on development of the project and critique the proposal prior to extramural submission. Suggested members include senior colleagues (either in or outside the department or school) that have previously received related extramural support, chairs, directors, and/or associate deans.
The number of awards will be determined by the quality of the proposals, number of requests, and FY2024 budget.
Applications are due September 1, 2023 at 5:00 pm.