Customized Programs

Enter today's date below.

Enter the name of your institution here.

What will the program focus on? What will the students be studying or doing? Is it aimed at certain majors or fields?

Where do you want to host your program?

Select or enter value
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When will the program take place?

Select or enter value
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Select the best answer, and if you need to add information, you can do so in 'Notes' below.

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Where do you want the students to live?

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Will your faculty or staff be on-site during the program to teach, mentor or oversee the students?

Select or enter value
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Select or enter value
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Select or enter value
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GEO can arrange excursions by default, but if you plan to make other arrangements, please let us know.

Select or enter value
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The default program type includes daily breakfast and two dinners (welcome & goodbye) are included in all proposals. If you wish to have more meals included, please specify that here.

How few students are you willing to run the program? How many would be your maximum? These numbers will affect cost per student.

Usually, GEO calculates for the living costs of one faculty to be covered while abroad as part of the per student fee. This does not typically include airfare or salary. Please specify how many faculty you intend to send and what you would like included.

Select or enter value
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If you selected "other" or "unknown" anywhere in this form, please include additional details here.