Faculty Research Award

Evaluation Form


Please base your review on the criteria below, assessing the project narrative, CV, and budget justification.

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Review Criteria

The form's questions use a 1-5 scale:

1 - Excellent

2 - Very Good

3 - Good

4 - Fair

5 - Poor

Significance and Contribution (Weighted 30%)*

Is the project intellectually significant? What value does it offer to the faculty member’s disciplinary field and/or general audiences? If it is interdisciplinary, how does it contribute across fields?

Organization, Concepts and Methods (Weighted 30%)*

Is the conception, definition, organization, and description of the project clearly articulated? Will the proposed methods answer the questions driving the research or enable the successful completion of creative work?

Work Plan, Budget and Budget Justification (Weighted 10%)*

Is the work plan and timeline feasible, appropriate, and supported by a well justified budget?

Competencies, Skills and Access/Biosketch or CV (Weighted 15%)*

Is the applicant well-qualified to carry out the proposed work and have the means to do so if funded?

Final Product and Dissemination (Weighted 15%)*

What is the likelihood of achieving project final product(s)? How strong is the dissemination plan for its intended audience(s)?

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Please summarize your review of the proposal’s strengths and weaknesses in 1-2 brief paragraphs. This text will be shared anonymously with the applicant and is intended to provide further transparency in our feedback and align our process with the peer-review procedures from federal granting agencies. We ask that you comment on the application's strength's, as well as identify clear suggestions for improvement.

Example: "The proposal is well written and articulates clearly and persuasively the intellectual significance of the proposed project. The application also provides ample evidence of PI's qualifications to conduct the proposed research and ability to bring that research to successful completion. The proposal could be improved with a more thorough description of methodology in order to determine whether the outcomes can be achieved, and a clearer articulation of the theoretical framework."

Please add any comments here that you wish to remain confidential and discussed in the review meeting only. These remarks will not be shared with the applicant.