Motivational Interviewing Training

Thanks for your interest in the Motivational Interviewing Training Course

A research team in the Physical Activity and Health Promotion (PAHP) Lab in the Department of Kinesiology developed this online course to provide foundational training in motivational interviewing. It is now managed by a team affiliated with the ISU Translational Research Network (U-TuRN) to enable broader utilization.

The course content is based on a 1 credit course (KIN 494A - Practicum in Motivational Interviewing) which our team has used to train students in this skill. However, we have packaged it to provide opportunities to share the course with others not affiliated with ISU.

The course is available through a Fee-For-Service arrangement. This form will provide us with the information needed to share the details for enrollment in the course. If you have any questions, please email our team at



ISU Translation Research Network

MI Training Registration Form

This form will allow you to share your specific interests and needs related to training on Motivational Interviewing.

Provide your first and last name

Provide your email address so we can contact you..

HUB Affiliation*

The ISU Translational Research Network has a formalized partnership with the Iowa Community HUB for health-related training so please let us know if you are already affiliated with the HUB.

Provide the name of the Organization, Business or Clinical Group you work with.

Group Training

Are you interested in training multiple individuals within your organization?

Group training is possible, but we recommend supplemental 'live - intensive' training following completion of the online course to provide opportunities for practice and skill building (Check Yes or Not Sure, if you would like to learn more about this).

Supplemental Training

Are you interested in supplemental 'in-person' training to provide more personalized training or opportunities to receive guided support in learning MI?

The supplemental training is typically offerred as a 3 hour training consultation and is scheduled as needed or by request (Check Yes or Not Sure, if you would like to learn more about this).

Please let us know if you have any specific questions that we can answer about the MI training course or U-TuRN..