Stanford OHNS Visiting Clerkship Department Pre-approval Application

Thank you for your interest in Stanford OHNS Clerkship Programs! Please check your eligibility before completing this application form.

Please note that your application with us is for pre-approval purpose only. The pre-approved applicants still need to submit their official application to our SOM's Office of Medical Student Affairs after receiving a pre-approval from the department (the window for submitting SOM's official application for each quarter is/will be published on the Visiting Clerkship Website). Thus, the deadline for department pre-approval application each quarter is the Friday before the window opens for SOM's official application (e.g., if SOM's official application window for the Summer quarter periods opens on Monday, March 25, then the department pre-approval deadline would be Friday, March 22).

Due to the high volume of applications and limited slots for Summer periods, please understand that not all applicants will be granted a slot in our clerkships (Stanford students have higher priority for the clerkship slots). Our Department will review all applications the first few weeks after the pre-approval application deadline and all decisions will be sent out at least a week before the official application deadline.

We suggest you submit your official application after you hear back from us on your pre-approval status (though you should prepare all the required official application materials while waiting for the pre-approval result). Please refer to the visiting clerkship website on how to submit your official application through the Office of Medical Student Affairs.

**Note on the Stanford Clinical Opportunity for Residency Experience (SCORE) Program**:

We encourage those eligible to apply through our SOM's Stanford Clinical Opportunity for Residency Experience (SCORE) Program, a funded program directly through SOM with no need of separate pre-approval process (though please do notify Xiaoyu if you plan to apply through SCORE program). Please check the SCORE website for more information.

More on our clerkship programs:

Please contact Xiaoyu Feng ( for any further questions.

Please select from the drop down menu. If not found, please choose "Other" and list it under the "Additional questions/notes" section below.

Select or enter value
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Indicate the academic year you apply to come for the rotation.

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Indicate the quarter you apply to come. Please refer to our SOM's clerkship calendar for quarter/period dates (please note the department pre-approval application deadline for each quarter is the Friday before the SOM's official application window opens):

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Indicate the clerkship you are applying for. For detailed descriptions of the clerkship programs we offer, please refer to our clerkship website.

Select or enter value
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Indicate which period(s) within the quarter you would like and are available to come (period dates are set for a given quarter). You may rank them if you have a preference (e.g., P2-P3-P1).

Please note Period 5-6 are closed for all visiting clerkships.

Example: H/H/HP or P/P/P or S/Pending/S

Note: our Clerkship Office requires that students complete all three core clerkships before the date the applied rotation starts. Please indicate you need an exemption from this requirement in the "Additional questions/notes" below, and the department will review the request case by case and notify the Clerkship Office if a wavier will be issued.

Please upload/drop all of the following required documents in pdf format (except for the headshot). Please indicate your last name in each file name (e.g., CV_Last Name). All required documents need to be submitted before the pre-approval deadline.

  1. Statement of interest (one paragraph; no more than 250 words)
  2. CV
  3. Medical School Transcript (unofficial copy is acceptable)
  4. USMLE Step 1 Report (unofficial copy is acceptable); if the exam is scheduled to be taken later than the application time, the score report can be sent in when available.
  5. Photo (headshot size; no need to be in pdf format)
  6. For 336A ONLY: proof of previous Otolaryngology rotation (a 2-week introductory rotation to the ENT service is sufficient, but the rotation needs to be completed before the start date of your applied period at Stanford; proof of enrollment/registration is fine if the rotation is still on-going or scheduled at a later date when you submit your application). Please highlight the rotation if it is already on your transcript (attachment 3)
  7. For 398A (preceptorship) ONLY: please forward an email consent from your faculty preceptor to xyfeng@stanford on accepting you to rotate with them.
Drag and drop files here or