Application Submission Form

Salt Lake County CoC New Project Application Submission

The Salt Lake Valley Coalition to End Homelessness is responsible for oversight of the Salt Lake City & County Continuum of Care and Salt Lake County Government is the Collaborative Applicant. In compliance with HUD requirements, the CoC intends to evaluate projects and make funding decisions based on HUD and local priorities and project performance. The Ranking Committee will review the performance of existing CoC renewal projects. The Committee will further evaluate new project funding applications and determine if they are to be included as part of the CoC Application to HUD.

For the FY2024/5 HUD CoC grant competition, projects seeking first-time funding through the Continuum of Care are hereby notified that the project application will be a two-part process; Part I: Local Application (Smartsheets) and Part II: HUD (E-snaps) Application.

For the Annual CoC NOFO the maximum available for reallocation ($10,347,478) represents the Continuum's Annual Renewal Demand, or the amount needed to fund all existing renewal projects for one year. This is funding available for renewal and new projects created through reallocation. For more information on reallocation, see section VII of this notice.

Bonus Funding available is limited to $1,241,697. CoC’s are eligible to apply for bonus funding “provided it has demonstrated the ability to reallocate lower performing projects to create new higher projects.” The Ranking Committee, as it determines rank and tier placement, will determine whether to classify new project applications as recipients of bonus or reallocation funding.

Additionally, $1,034,748 is available for the Domestic Violence (Bonus) which will provide housing and services to survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.

Projects passing minimum threshold requirements will be evaluated by the Ranking Committee for possible ranking and tiering placement and submitted with the CoC Application to HUD.

The application is due via SmartSheets and e-snaps by September 24, 2024 by 5:00 PM

The Application form and resource documents are available at the Salt Lake Continuum of Care Competition page.

Application closes September 24, 2024 by 5:00 PM

Project Type Requested*

All threshold items must be selected for the File Upload box to appear. All threshold items are required to receive CoC funding.

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