Sourcing Request Form

Public Solicitations are required for purchases valued at $75k and greater unless exempt from competitive solicitation under regulation USF4.02010(IV)(A)(2-3).

The purpose of this Sourcing Request form is to collect information about the goods and/or services you would like to purchase that are anticipated to exceed $75,000 over the life of the contract. Procurement Services will review the request and assign a facilitator to assist with a Public Solicitation, or with finding available suppliers who can fulfill the need through an acceptable publicly awarded contract.

Department Information

(i.e. Emergency Management, Facilities & Maintenance, Construction & Design, University Police, Parking and Transportation)

Typically the requestor, or the person with the most knowledge regarding the scope of work and need. This will be the primary contact Procurement will use to seek additional information.

Please indicate "yes" if you are willing to coordinate with other USF Departments, Units and Campuses if this sourcing effort is found to be of benefit to the USF Community as a whole. Please note that strategic direction and workforce availability may require collaboration for certain services or commodities despite preference. This will be discussed with your Procurement sourcing resource.

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Identification of Need

Provide a working title for this sourcing event in less than 10 words

Please attach a word document describing the need for the good/services you are seeking. This should be high-level, but provide enough detail for Procurement to understand the need and scope of service. You may include a list of suppliers you think may be qualified to provide the good/services. Procurement may follow up if more detail is required. (target max 1-2 paragraphs + supplier list). NOTE: This is not intended to be a full scope of work.

Drag and drop files here or

Please select a high level commodity category which best describes the good or service you need sourced

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Please select a more specific commodity which best describes the good or service you need sourced

Select or enter value
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Select or enter value
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Please note that depending on the complexity of the sourcing need it can take 3-6+ months to complete a sourcing event.

Including ongoing maintenance or services. If unknown enter "NA"

To the best of my knowledge, budget has already been approved for the procurement of goods and services up to the Estimated Total Contract Value listed above.

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