ITC - Are You Ready To Apply?


The purpose of this form is to help you avoid delays in the processing your application for Interim Certification.



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Do you possess certification in:

  1. First Aid (FA) AND
  2. Adult Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) AND
  3. Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

The CPR coursework must include a test demonstration on a mannequin. Online CPR without the in-person mannequin skills test will not be accepted. These courses may be completed as one comprehensive course, or may be completed in separate courses. All three legal requirements must be completed.

If all of the above is true, answer YES, otherwise answer NO.

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Have you submitted your First Aid/CPR/AED certificate to

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Have you submitted PDF copies of your MTTC score report to

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This endorsement area requires an elementary endorsement

If you are applying for any of the content areas listed below, you must currently hold or also be currently applying for an endorsement in Elementary All Subjects K-5 (ZG), Lower Elementary (ZO) or Upper Elementary (ZP)

  • Elementary Language Arts (BX)
  • Elementary Mathematics (EX)
  • Elementary Integrated Science (DI)
  • Elementary Social Studies (RX)

This endorsement area requires a Core Content Endorsement

If you are applying for any of content areas listed below, you must currently hold or also be currently applying for a Core Content Endorsement (Elementary Education, Secondary Mathematics, Secondary Social Studies (Any), Secondary Science (Any) or Secondary English)

  • English As a Second Language

NOTE: Click Here for a detailed overview of the special requirements for ESL, World Language and Bilingual Endorsements

This endorsement area requires a Core Content AND a score of Advanced Low or better on the OPI

If you are applying for any of content areas listed below, you must currently hold or also be currently applying for a Core Content Endorsement (Elementary Education, Secondary Mathematics, Secondary Social Studies (Any), Secondary Science (Any) or Secondary English) AND must have earned an Advanced Low or better on the OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview).

  • Bilingual Education - All Languages

NOTE: Click Here for a detailed overview of the special requirements for ESL, World Language and Bilingual Endorsements

This endorsement area requires an score of Advanced Low or better on the OPI

If you are applying for any of content areas listed below, you must Earn an Advanced Low or better on the OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview).

  • World Language - French
  • World Language - German
  • World Language - Hebrew
  • World Language - Italian
  • World Language - Spanish
  • World Language - Other (Portuguese)
  • World Language - Other (Russian)

A candidate seeking a World Language endorsement for K-8 only must also qualify for an Elementary Education endorsement. This is not necessary for someone seeking a World Language endorsement with K-12 or 6-12 grade ranges.

NOTE: Click Here for a detailed overview of the special requirements for ESL, World Language and Bilingual Endorsements

This endorsement area requires an score of Intermediate High or better on the OPI

If you are applying for any of content areas listed below, you must Earn an Intermediate High or better on the OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview).

  • World Language - Arabic (Modern Standard)
  • World Language - Chinese (Mandarin)
  • World Language - Japanese

A candidate seeking a World Language endorsement for K-8 only must also qualify for an Elementary Education endorsement. This is not necessary for someone seeking a World Language endorsement with K-12 or 6-12 grade ranges.

NOTE: Click Here for a detailed overview of the special requirements for ESL, World Language and Bilingual Endorsements

This endorsement requires a prior degree in Library Science or a current and valid ND endorsement

Library/Media is only offered to individuals who have a prior degree in Library Science with no teaching certificate or to individuals who have a teaching certificate with an ND endorsement that wish to expand the grade range of the ND.

This endorsement requires a current standard certificate or higher (ZL).

The Middle Level Specialization (ZL) is available as an additional endorsement only and expands a teacher’s current endorsements from 6-12 to 5-12, K-8 to K-9 or 6-8 to 5-9.

This endorsement requires a current standard certificate OR a current ITC and course completion..

SPED Additional Endorsements (CI, EI, LD, POHI) are only available if you currently hold a standard certificate or higher in a General Education content area.

SPED ITC Additional Endorsements (CI, EI, LD, POHI) are only available if you hold an Interim Certification and have completed all required coursework in your initial #T.E.A.C.H. General Education program​.

Do you have a prior degree in Library Science with no teaching certificate or do you currently possess a teaching certificate with an ND endorsement and wish to expand the grade range of your ND certificate?

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Do you possess or are you concurrently applying for a Core Content Area Endorsement?

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Do you possess or are you concurrently applying for a Core Content Area Endorsement?

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Please select the desired grade band for your World Language certification

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This endorsement area requires an elementary endorsement (WL-AL)

If you are applying for any of the content areas listed below, you must currently hold or also be currently applying for an endorsement in Elementary All Subjects K-5 (ZG), Lower Elementary (ZO) or Upper Elementary (ZP)

  • Elementary World Language (All)

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Please select the desired grade band for your World Language certification

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This endorsement area requires an elementary endorsement (WL-IH)

If you are applying for any of the content areas listed below, you must currently hold or also be currently applying for an endorsement in Elementary All Subjects K-5 (ZG), Lower Elementary (ZO) or Upper Elementary (ZP)

  • Elementary World Language (All)

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Do you currently hold a standard or higher Michigan Certification? If you do not hold a standard or higher but you do hold an ITC, please select N/A

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Are all of the following true:

  1. All General Education Courses complete
  2. Current holder of Interim Certification in General Ed. Area
  3. Completed 8 week field experience

All three must be true before you can apply for a SPED ITC Additional Endorsement

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Do you currently hold a standard or higher Michigan Certification?

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You are not ready to apply for your certificate - Fees Due

Before your application for Interim Certification can be approved, you must pay all fees including your enrollment fee, SPED course fee (if applicable) and program fee. Your program fee is considered paid if you have paid it in full, if it is paid in full by a loan or 3rd party or if you have signed up for a 15 month payment plan and the first payment has been drafted.

You are not ready to apply for your certificate - Green Light Letter Not Received

If you have paid your enrollment fee and your program fee, you must wait until you receive your Green Light letter before you can apply for your certificate. It takes 24-48 hours after payment is received for the Green Light letter to be generated. It that time has passed, please contact us at

You are not ready to apply for your certificate - MTTC Test Scores Too Old

If today is 5 years or more from the date listing on your MTTC score report, in most cases, we cannot use the scores and the test will have to taken again. However, in some instances, we are able to get approval from MDE to accept test scores older than 5 years. Please contact us at to discuss.

You are not ready to apply for your certificate - First Aid/CPR/AED Certification Issue

Michigan Compiled Law (MCL) 380.1531d requires all teacher certificate candidates recommended for initial certification to complete coursework in all of the following:

  • First Aid (FA)
  • Adult Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
  • Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

The CPR coursework must include a test demonstration on a mannequin. These courses may be completed as one comprehensive course, or may be completed in separate courses. All three legal requirements must be completed.

Click Here for a list of MDE Approved Providers

Requirements for the Initial Certification of Michigan Teachers

Fully online courses are not acceptable; learning First Aid and Adult & Pediatric CPR requires demonstration and practice. Blended courses (online, combined with traditional face-to-face) and hybrid courses (web-based, live video instructor training plus traditional) are permissible modes for completing CPR and First Aid when available through the providers specified within this guidance.

In-state candidates must provide the educator preparation provider (EPP) with the actual card(s) indicating the completion of approved courses. Out-of-state candidates provide the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) with copies of CPR and First Aid card(s) with application for a Standard teaching certificate.

Physical Limitation Exemption

MCL 380.1531d makes an allowance for educators who are unable to fulfill CPR/FA requirements due to physical limitations. Teacher certification candidates must provide written, dated, and signed documentation on letterhead from a physician/health care provider to be considered for an exemption from CPR/FA.

In-state candidates should provide the above-mentioned documentation to the EPP where they are enrolled. Out-of-state candidates provide documentation to MDE through the certificate application process.

Advanced Level CPR/FA Courses

Approved organizations offering advanced level CPR/FA course(s) with training that surpass the noted requirements will be acceptable for fulfilling training once appropriate documentation is provided to the EPP or MDE. Documentation must be submitted in the form of a letter on letterhead, signed and dated by an administrator of an organization that provides training in CPR and First

You are not ready to apply for your certificate

You answered "No" or "None of the above"to one or more of the items required for your certification. Please take the necessary steps to meet all requirements before applying for your certificate in MOECS. If you have any questions, please contact us at

You are ready to apply for your certificate!

Please Click Here for Instructions


The purpose of this form is to help you avoid delays in the processing your application for Interim Certification.  

Please CAREFULLY REVIEW YOUR RESPONSES to ensure that your answers are accurate. Inaccurate responses may result in significant delays in processing your application.

Do not click submit until you have answered all questions.

When you receive the one of the following two messages, you can click submit:

You are ready to apply for your certificate!

You are not ready to apply for your certificate

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