SPP New Mentor Sign-up Form

Please complete this form to indicate your willingness to serve as a TUSM Scholarly Project Program (SPP) Mentor. Thank you!

TUSM Scholarly Project Program (SPP) Faculty Mentor Recruitment

Do you have clinical research or a scholarly project (including Quality Improvement) that could use medical student assistance? Do you have an idea, but don’t have the time to thoroughly develop it? TUSM medical students can help through the Scholarly Project Program.

Who Qualifies to be a Mentor?

Physicians and non-physician innovators (e.g. nurse practitioners, PHDs, scientific researchers) all qualify. Your affiliation also does not need to be with MaineHealth or Tufts University. You just need to have an active interest and proven track-record in conducting scientific research projects to qualify.

Please note, you are not permitted to act as a mentor for any student that is a close friend, family member, or if you are their faculty assigned coach.

What is the Scholarly Project Program?

TUSM developed a Scholarly Project Program that was implemented with the 2024 medical student class (matriculated August 2020) to foster a spirit of inquiry and provide an opportunity to develop scholarly skills necessary to explore an area of interest in depth. Additionally, as ACGME is requiring residents to complete scholarly work, this program will help prepare our students for residency requirements and enhance their acumen as residency applicants. Under this program, our medical students are required to complete a Scholarly Project within their 4 years of undergraduate medical education. Students can work in teams of up to 4 students.

Examples of Scholarly Project Categories

•    Quality Improvement •    Clinical Research •    Translational Research •    Basic Science Research •    Public Health and Population Medicine Research •    Healthcare System Operations Research •    Cost-effectiveness Research •    Active Citizenship Research •    Medical Education Research

How Can You Become Involved?

Students will complete a core set of online modules to ensure an understanding of basic research skills. We are seeking Faculty Mentors who will commit to the following: • Guides the student with their proposal and project • Serves as the PI on projects (students cannot be PIs) • Approve the proposal including assessing its feasibility • Guide the student through project execution • Sign-off on completed project – no grading required. A committee will evaluate completed projects • Schedule periodic check-ins with students based on your schedule

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If you don't have a current project, but are interested in supporting an area of student interest, you are still eligible for this program. Please indicate N/A if you don't have an active project.

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