HammondCare Grant Support Application Form

Complete and submit this form if you want to ask for HammondCare to be named or involved in some way in a grant application (internal to HammondCare Foundation or to an external grant funder).

Review of applications can take up to two (2) weeks; and in some cases longer. Please be patient, however if you have any questions or need to advise of a looming / urgent deadline, please contact us at rgo@hammond.com.au


Lead Investigator and Institution

If you are not being named as the Lead Investigator on the grant application please provide the name of the Lead Investigator. Please also confirm the name of the institution that will be applying for the grant

Details of grant needing endorsement

What is the name of the research project being submitted for grant funding

Name of grant/funding opportunity the research proposal will be submitted under if HammondCare involvement is endorsed

What entity does this grant/funding opportunity sit under e.g. MRFF, NHMRC, ARC, a Foundation

Provide the Grant value $

Provide a SHORT summary of the aims and objectives of the research project this grant will cover. 

Please choose which HammondCare research focus area this grant would fall under

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HammondCare is passionate about improving quality of life for people in need and has a particular commitment to dementia care, palliative care and research as well as to people who are financially disadvantaged. How will this research fit with that passion; and how will HammondCare benefit from the research if the grant is successful?

Please detail the reason(s) why your project is consistent with HammondCare’s (HC) mission found here: https://www.hammond.com.au/about

Timelines information

What is your deadline / planned date for Grant Submission / Commitment (Format: MM/DD/YYYY)

Anticipated date when grant outcome will be known (Format: MM/DD/YYYY)

If the grant application is successful when do you estimate the funding/project will commence (format MM/DD/YYYY)

If the grant application is successful when do you estimate the project would complete (format MM/DD/YYYY)

How long will HammondCare's commitment be for - please include detail for when project would likely commence and finish

Research setting and staffing/resourcing

How will HammondCare be involved in this project?

(select all that apply)

Select all that apply

If you need to provide more information about your research setting please provide it here. Please be specific

List all HammondCare staff that will be involved in the grant-funded project. Include information on:

  • the positions each staff member will hold, and
  • the resource load (per week), and
  • how the position will be funded

Be specific e.g. HammondCare employed research coordinator 0.4FTE for 12mths fixed term contract funded as in-kind contribution or analyst 0.2FTE once per month for 6mths funded via the grant

Please list the other partners that will be listed in this grant application

Please note here any conflicts of interest (COI) that need to be declared by you and any other research team members (otherwise note "no conflicts to declare"). If you do declare COI and you have plans for addressing/minimising these during the grant application process please outline those here.

Budget and grant administration details

In summary, what are you asking HammondCare to commit to in terms of financial support? Tick all that apply

i.e. if the project is funded and approved through the HammondCare Research Governance process, how long will the research project run for

Insert detail here on the HammondCare specific components of your grant application budget. Include all cash and in-kind contributions that you will be committing HammondCare to if the grant application is successful, noting that if you do not provide enough detail this may delay review of your form.

  • If this is an international project please list both the international currency and estimate for AUD based on current exchange rate alongside.

Please input estimated total of grant funds that would come to HammondCare if the grant was endorsed and successful

Tell us which institution the grant application will be going in under

What institution will administer the grant funds if grant application is successful? Please provide institution name and location

if you have a Protocol or other document that you feel would be of benefit in reviewing your application, please upload it here.

Drag and drop files here or

Thank you...

Thank you for completing this Application for Grant Involvement Approval. The HammondCare Research Governance Office may be in contact with you if there are any questions about your application. Once your application has been reviewed by the relevant internal stakeholders you will receive an email indicating whether or not HammondCare will support your grant application.

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