Grow Your Own Progress Report I:
Program Enrollment and Completion
Report Context and Rationale
As of the 2023 Legislative Session, the Educator Advancement Council (EAC) has been directed to report on the overall progress of outcomes made by the Grow Your Own Programs funded through this grant initiative. This report is one of three required progress reports that will be collected during the grant cycle (please refer to the deliverables as outlined in the grant agreement). The information collected from these reports, as well as the annual reports, will be used by the EAC to:
- define and develop a baseline of statewide metrics for GYO program outcomes as required by the Legislature;
- identify areas of technical support for grantees to complete and submit required reports;
- introduce and develop shared definitions around GYO program outcomes for state reporting; and
- report to the legislature as well as national, state, and local education agencies on GYO program outcomes.
All questions in this report have choices for you to select rather than to write a narrative response. Selections have been chosen from a variety of sources including the 2023 legislative requirements, reports from the 2021-23 GYO programs, and from the Grow Your Own Request for Application (RFA). To synthesize information about all of the GYO programs, the scope for each progress report will have a specific and narrow focus to help the EAC provide information about all of the GYO Programs receiving grant funds.
Given the significant impact of the delayed grant agreements for many programs grant, this report is due no later than Friday, April 19, 2024.