Grow Your Own Progress Report I:

Program Enrollment and Completion

Report Context and Rationale

As of the 2023 Legislative Session, the Educator Advancement Council (EAC) has been directed to report on the overall progress of outcomes made by the Grow Your Own Programs funded through this grant initiative. This report is one of three required progress reports that will be collected during the grant cycle (please refer to the deliverables as outlined in the grant agreement). The information collected from these reports, as well as the annual reports, will be used by the EAC to:

  1. define and develop a baseline of statewide metrics for GYO program outcomes as required by the Legislature;
  2. identify areas of technical support for grantees to complete and submit required reports;
  3. introduce and develop shared definitions around GYO program outcomes for state reporting; and
  4. report to the legislature as well as national, state, and local education agencies on GYO program outcomes.

All questions in this report have choices for you to select rather than to write a narrative response. Selections have been chosen from a variety of sources including the 2023 legislative requirements, reports from the 2021-23 GYO programs, and from the Grow Your Own Request for Application (RFA). To synthesize information about all of the GYO programs, the scope for each progress report will have a specific and narrow focus to help the EAC provide information about all of the GYO Programs receiving grant funds.

Given the significant impact of the delayed grant agreements for many programs grant, this report is due no later than Friday, April 19, 2024.

Instructions for Completing this Progress Report

This progress report will collect information regarding Program Enrollment and Program Completion for GYO Participants. The progress report is required for all Grantees as one of the grant deliverables. Any incomplete or blank responses to required questions or prompts will be returned to Grantee for reporting completion.

A star (*) indicates the question or prompt is required.

Please note: You will not be able to save and return to the form once you start it. With this in mind, the report is designed with selection responses rather than narrative responses. For some questions, there are options to collect brief written responses, if needed.

We strongly recommend you keep a copy of your responses. Before submitting your responses you will be able to select the box, “send me a copy”. If you have any questions, please email Lynne Gardner,


Section I includes questions to help create shared definitions of GYO Program Recruitment and Enrollment, with an understanding that there will be considerable variation in how programs define recruitment and enrollment for GYO Participants.

For the purposes of this report, Program Enrollment may be defined by the eligibility requirements and selection process through which GYO Participants are identified for participation, as well as, the determination of the types of services and supports a GYO Participant will receive while in the GYO Program and the program timeframe.

A GYO Participant is defined as an individual who is on a pathway to becoming an educator OR a pathway to advance in their educator career. Participants are enrolled in secondary, post-secondary, or professional training programs through which they receive credits towards credentials. Participants are receiving programmatic, financial, or other support from the GYO program towards career credentials or milestones. A participant is NOT an individual who is providing support to pathway participants, (i.e. a mentor who is trained to support GYO pathway participants is NOT a GYO participant).

Please note: If any question does not include a response choice that adequately represents your program, please select “Other, not listed” and provide a brief explanation in the appropriate field.

Are there any eligibility requirements that Participants must have prior to enrolling in the GYO program? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.

How are program Participants selected to participate in the GYO program? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.

3. Program Enrollment: Timeframe*

When can Participants enroll in the GYO program?

To date, please indicate the NUMBER of Participants enrolled in your program.

4.a. Participant Financial Support*

Do you have any GYO Participants receiving financial support (i.e. scholarships or tuition remission) from other GYO programs? SELECT ONE.

Using the definitions from the GYO RFA, please select the type(s) of participants enrolled or enrolling in the GYO program.

Early Educators: Participants pursuing a career in early learning, pre-K, or K-12 education. This includes current community college, 4-year, or graduate-level students, as well as career changers and community members.

P-12 Classified Staff: Participants who are classified employees of a district, school, or ESD, such as paraprofessionals, instructional assistants, substitutes, athletic coaches, etc.

P-12 Licensed Educators: Any individual pursuing or maintaining a TSPC license for a P-12 career (teachers, school-building and central office administrators, teacher on emergency or restricted license, counselor, etc.). This may also include current P-12 Educators looking to advance in their career.

Secondary Students: Students in grades 9 through 12.


5a. Anticipated Enrollment

If you do not have any Participants currently enrolled in the program, please indicate when you anticipate enrolling Participants?

6. Program Requirements: Services and Supports*

Are the services and support that were identified in the updated Project Plan required for each GYO Participant OR can they select or choose what they need in order to successfully complete the program?


Please use the space below to briefly add comments regarding the selection you chose.

Which of the following are requirements for GYO program Participants while they enrolled in the program? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.

II. Program Completion

Section II includes questions to help create shared definitions Program Completion and Program Outcomes based on the types of Participants enrolled in the program with the understanding that GYO Program Completion varies across programs.

For the purposes of this report, Program Completion may be defined by the goal of the GYO program for each GYO Participant, E.g. licensed or certified educator; OR program completion may be defined with a set of completion criteria set by the GYO Program and aligned to the grant goals. Program Outcomes include specific and measurable impacts of the activities implemented that help to monitor progress towards the goals of the program.

There are several questions related to Program Outcomes which depend on the Types of Participants enrolled in the program. In the selection choices, there are options to select “Not applicable to this program”. For example, if your program does not include high school participants, please select “Not applicable to this program”.

Please note: If any question does not include a response choice that adequately represents your program, please select “Other, not listed” and provide a brief explanation in the appropriate field.

8. Program Completion: Participant Success*

How does the program define success for a Participant; in other words, what does successful completion of the program look like? SELECT ONE.

Based on your response in question 8, on average, what are the total months participants are enrolled in the program and the number of "completers"? (i.e. 120 months/10 "completers" = 12 months average).

10. Program Outcomes: High School Participants*

To what extent does the GYO high school program have a defined articulated program of study? SELECT ONE.

11. Program Outcomes: High School Participants*

Approximately, how many transferable college credits will a successful high school participant who completes the GYO program have the opportunity to earn?

This includes only college credits that are accepted by an Oregon postsecondary institution to support earning an Early Childhood Certificate Associate, Bachelor, or Masters in Education.

GYO high school participants who complete this program will earn… SELECT ONE.

Please add additional information if needed to respond to the question above.

What services and supports are provided for a successful high school participant in the GYO program to continue on an education pathway? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.

Please add additional information if needed to respond to the question above.

What will a successful Participant of the GYO program supporting the career advancement for school employees, classified staff, and/or school-based volunteers have upon completion of the program? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.

14. Program Participant Obligation/Requirements*

Does your program require any commitments of participants upon completion of the program, particularly if they are recipients of financial assistance from the GYO program (i.e. commitment to remain in a district, repayment of funds, etc.)?

Submitting Participant Personal Information

The Legislature has required the EAC to report on GYO Participants enrolled in the state's GYO Grant Initiative, including demographic information.

Please note: This information will only be used for aggregate, state-level reporting, not for individual programs. In an effort to create secure systems when submitting personal information, the EAC is working with existing ODE, HECC and TSPC's data systems which use assigned identification numbers for anyone enrolled in-state institutions.

To that endeavor, please select the BEST choice for either Participant Employment and/or Enrollment.

Participants in this GYO program are currently ENROLLED in one or more of the following institutions. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.

Participants in this GYO program are currently EMPLOYED in one or more of the following institutions. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.